Depiction Engine For Unity 2023.0 (Alpha)
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DepictionEngine.Stack Class Reference

Public Attributes

bool main
 Is this the main Camera Stack?
bool synchRenderProperties
 Should the Camera renderer properties (useOcclusionCulling, allowHDR, renderShadows, volumeLayerMask, volumeTrigger, renderPostProcessing) be synched with the stacked cameras?
bool synchOpticalProperties
 Should the Camera optical properties (fieldOfView, orthographic, orthographicSize) be synched with the stacked cameras?
bool synchAspectProperty
 Should the Camera optical properties (aspect) be synched with the stacked cameras?
bool synchBackgroundProperties
 Should the Camera optical properties (clearFlags, backgroundColor) be synched with the stacked cameras?
bool synchClipPlaneProperties
 Should the Camera optical properties (farClipPlane, nearClipPlane) be synched with the stacked cameras?
bool synchCullingMaskProperty
 Should the Camera optical properties (cullingMask) be synched with the stacked cameras?


int index [get, set]

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