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Depiction Engine For Unity 2023.0 (Alpha)
Classes | |
class | AnimatorBase |
class | AssetBase |
class | AssetBundle |
class | AssetModifier |
class | AssetReference |
class | AstroObject |
Astronomical object such as planet, star, asteroid, black holes etc. More... | |
class | AtmosphereEffect |
class | AtmosphereGridMeshObject |
class | AtmosphereGridMeshObjectVisualDirtyFlags |
class | AutoGenerateVisualObject |
class | BeginFoldoutAttribute |
Begin a foldable group of inspector serialized properties. More... | |
class | BeginHorizontalGroupAttribute |
class | Building |
class | BuildingFeature |
class | BuildingFeatureModifier |
class | BuildingFeatureProcessingFunctions |
class | BuildingGridMeshObject |
class | BuildingGridMeshObjectVisualDirtyFlags |
class | ButtonAttribute |
class | Camera |
Wrapper class for 'UnityEngine.Camera' introducing better integrated functionality. More... | |
class | CameraController |
class | CameraExtension |
class | CameraGrid2D |
class | CameraGrid2DLoader |
Loader used to display Camera centric data. More... | |
class | CameraManager |
Singleton managing DepictionEngine.Camera's. More... | |
class | CancellationTokenSource |
class | CircleGrid |
class | CircleGridLoader |
class | ColliderExtension |
class | ColorExtension |
class | ColorUtility |
Utility methods to help with the manipulation of colors. More... | |
class | ComponentChangedPending |
class | ComponentReferenceAttribute |
class | ConditionalAttribute |
class | ConditionalEnableAttribute |
class | ConditionalShowAttribute |
class | ControllerBase |
class | CreateComponentAttribute |
Automatically adds required scripts as dependencies. More... | |
class | CustomAttribute |
class | Datasource |
class | DatasourceBase |
Wrapper class to allow the use of Datasource as script. More... | |
class | DatasourceManager |
Singleton managing DepictionEngine.DatasourceBase's. More... | |
class | DatasourceOperationBase |
Operations to be executed by the DepictionEngine.Datasource. More... | |
class | DatasourceOperationProcessingFunctions |
class | DatasourceRoot |
Object required for loaders of certain types. More... | |
class | DeleteWebRequestDatasourceOperation |
class | Disposable |
class | DisposeManager |
Manager handling the pooling or destruction of objects. More... | |
class | DoubleExtension |
class | Earcut |
class | Easing |
Animates the value of a float property between two target values using Robert Penner's easing equations for interpolation over a specified Duration. More... | |
class | EffectBase |
class | Elevation |
Texture containing elevation data. More... | |
class | ElevationGridMeshObjectBase |
class | ElevationGridMeshObjectVisualDirtyFlags |
class | ElevationModifier |
class | ElevationUtility |
Utility methods to help with the manipulation of elevation data. More... | |
class | EndFoldoutAttribute |
End a foldable group of inspector serialized properties. More... | |
class | EndHorizontalGroupAttribute |
class | FallbackValues |
class | Feature |
class | FeatureGridMeshObjectBase |
class | FeatureGridMeshObjectVisualDirtyFlags |
class | FeatureMesh |
class | FeatureMeshModifier |
class | FeatureModifier |
class | FileSystemDatasource |
File system based datasource. More... | |
class | FileSystemDatasourceOperation |
class | FillGrid2D |
class | FillGrid2DLoader |
class | FloatExtension |
class | GameObjectExtension |
class | GeneratorBase |
class | GeoAstroObject |
Astronomical object that can be represented with a surface, atmosphere(optional) or need to use a geographic coordinate system. More... | |
struct | GeoCoordinate2 |
A GeoCoordinate composed of a latitude and longitude component. More... | |
struct | GeoCoordinate2Double |
A 64 bit double version of the GeoCoordinate2. More... | |
struct | GeoCoordinate3 |
A GeoCoordinate composed of a latitude, longitude and altitude component. More... | |
struct | GeoCoordinate3Double |
A 64 bit double version of the GeoCoordinate3. More... | |
class | GeoCoordinateController |
class | GeoCoordinateControllerAnimator |
struct | GeoCoordinateGeometries |
A list of DepictionEngine.GeoCoordinateGeometry. More... | |
struct | GeoCoordinateGeometry |
A geometry composed of polygons. More... | |
struct | GeoCoordinatePolygon |
A polygon described by GeoCoordinate points. More... | |
class | GeometricGrid2D |
class | GlobalLoader |
class | Grid2D |
struct | Grid2DIndex |
An xy index along with xy(horizontal, vertical) grid dimension. More... | |
class | Grid2DIndexTerrainGridMeshObjects |
Class containing all the DepictionEngine.TerrainGridMeshObject found for a specific grid dimension and index. More... | |
class | Grid2DLoaderBase |
class | Grid2DMeshObjectBase |
class | Grid2DMeshObjectBaseVisualDirtyFlags |
class | GridBase |
class | GridGenerator |
class | GuidUtility |
Helper methods for working with Guid. More... | |
interface | ICustomEffect |
A DepictionEngine.RenderingManager compatible shader based custom visual effect that can be applied to specific layers. More... | |
interface | IDatasource |
interface | IDisposable |
Supports Dispose and Initialization. More... | |
class | IdLoader |
class | IdLoadScope |
class | IdResultData |
interface | IElevationGrid |
interface | IGrid |
Implements basic Grid members. More... | |
interface | IGrid2D |
Implements 2D Grid members compatible with DepictionEngine.Grid2DLoaderBase. More... | |
interface | IGrid2DIndex |
Implements the members required to be within the scope of an DepictionEngine.Index2DLoadScope used by DepictionEngine.Index2DLoaderBase. More... | |
interface | IHasChildren |
Supports having children. More... | |
interface | IJson |
Supports reading or writing properties in Json format. More... | |
interface | ILoadDatasource |
A datasource that supports loading. More... | |
interface | IMultithreadSafe |
Can be safely passed as a parameter to DepictionEngine.Processor for asynchronous processing. More... | |
class | Index2DLoader |
class | Index2DLoaderBase |
class | Index2DLoadScope |
class | InputManager |
Singleton managing user inputs. More... | |
class | InstanceManager |
Singleton managing instances. More... | |
class | InstanceUtility |
Utility methods to help with the creation of instances. More... | |
class | InstantiatorVisualObject |
Instantiate the DepictionEngine.Visual found in an DepictionEngine.AssetBundle as children. More... | |
class | InstantiatorVisualObjectVisualDirtyFlags |
class | Interior |
interface | IPersistent |
Implements persistence features mostly required by the DepictionEngine.DatasourceBase. More... | |
interface | IPersistentList |
interface | IProcessing |
Supports processing. More... | |
interface | IProperty |
Implements members required to read and write property values. More... | |
interface | IRequiresComponents |
Implements methods to identify which components a GameObject should have. More... | |
interface | IScriptableBehaviour |
An abstract interface for both MonoBehaviour and ScriptableObject. More... | |
interface | IUnityMeshAsset |
Implements mesh access for DepictionEngine.AssetBase who act as wrapper for mesh instance(s). More... | |
class | JsonAttribute |
Expose a property to the DepictionEngine.JsonInterface and make available to be persisted in a Datasource. More... | |
class | JsonInterface |
JSON Interface exposing engine functionalities to an external source. More... | |
class | JsonMonoBehaviour |
class | JsonScriptableObject |
class | JsonUtility |
Utility methods to help with the manipulation of JSON data. More... | |
class | Label |
class | LabelOverrideAttribute |
class | LayerAttribute |
class | LayerMaskExtension |
class | LayerUtility |
Utility methods to help manage layers. More... | |
class | Level |
class | LevelMeshObject |
class | LevelModifier |
class | LevelProcessingFunctions |
class | LoaderBase |
class | LoadResultData |
class | LoadSceneDatasourceOperation |
class | LoadScope |
class | LoadWebRequestDatasourceOperation |
class | LocalPositionParam |
class | LocalRotationParam |
class | LocalScaleParam |
class | ManagerBase |
class | ManagersBootstrap |
class | Marker |
class | MaskAttribute |
class | MathGeometry |
Math Geometry helper methods. More... | |
class | MathPlus |
Additional Math helper methods. More... | |
struct | Matrix4x4Double |
A 64 bit double version of the Matrix4x4. More... | |
class | Matrix4x4DoubleExtension |
class | Matrix4x4Extension |
class | MemberUtility |
Utility methods to help interact with members and attributes. More... | |
class | Mesh |
Wrapper class for 'UnityEngine.Mesh' introducing better integrated functionality. More... | |
class | MeshesParameters |
A list of Mesh parameters used by DepictionEngine.MeshProcessingFunctions. More... | |
class | MeshesProcessorOutput |
A list of Mesh used by DepictionEngine.MeshProcessingFunctions. More... | |
class | MeshGridMeshObject |
class | MeshGridMeshObjectVisualDirtyFlags |
class | MeshModifier |
class | MeshObject |
class | MeshObjectBase |
class | MeshObjectProcessorOutput |
class | MeshObjectVisualDirtyFlags |
struct | MeshParameters |
Mesh parameters used by DepictionEngine.MeshProcessingFunctions. More... | |
class | MeshProcessingFunctions |
class | MeshRendererVisual |
A DepictionEngine.Visual containing a MeshRenderer. More... | |
class | MeshRendererVisualBoxCollider |
class | MeshRendererVisualMeshCollider |
class | MeshRendererVisualModifier |
class | MeshRendererVisualNoCollider |
class | MinMaxRangeAttribute |
class | MonoBehaviourDisposable |
class | MultithreadSafeScriptableObject |
class | Object |
Main component used to interface with the GameObject / Scripts and children. Only one per GameObject supported. Objects are usually not origin shifted, use DepictionEngine.VisualObject if you are looking for a container to use with MeshRenderers. More... | |
class | ObjectAdditionalFallbackValues |
class | OperationResult |
class | OptionalPropertiesBase |
class | OrbitController |
class | OriginShiftSnapshot |
class | OSMColors |
class | PersistentMonoBehaviour |
class | PersistentScriptableObject |
class | PersistentsDictionary |
class | PhysicsDouble |
Global physics properties and helper methods. More... | |
class | PlaneDouble |
Representation of a plane in 3D space. More... | |
class | Planet |
class | PointFeature |
class | PointFeatureModifier |
class | PointFeatureProcessingFunctions |
class | PoolManager |
Singleton managing the pooling of objects. More... | |
class | ProcessingFunctions |
class | Processor |
Abstracts the complexity of running code Asynchronously(Task or Coroutine) based on platform. More... | |
class | ProcessorOutput |
class | ProcessorParameters |
class | PropertyModifier |
Used to modify the properties of a DepictionEngine.IScriptableBehaviour object. More... | |
class | PropertyModifierData |
class | PropertyModifierDataProcessingFunctions |
class | PropertyModifierIndex2DParameters |
class | PropertyModifierParameters |
class | PropertyMonoBehaviour |
class | PropertyScriptableObject |
class | QuadMesh |
struct | QuaternionDouble |
A 64 bit double version of the Quaternion. More... | |
class | QuaternionDoubleExtension |
class | QuaternionExtension |
class | RaycastHitDouble |
class | RayDouble |
64 bit representation of rays. More... | |
class | RecordAdditionalObjectsAttribute |
class | RectangleGrid |
class | RectangleGridLoader |
class | RectangularVolumeMask |
Hide the geometry that lies inside its rectangular volume. More... | |
class | ReferenceBase |
class | ReflectionEffectBase |
class | RenderingManager |
Singleton managing graphics and rendering. More... | |
class | RestDatasource |
RESTful web services based datasource. More... | |
class | ResultData |
class | RTTCamera |
class | SaveWebRequestDatasourceOperation |
class | SceneDatasourceOperationBase |
class | SceneManager |
Singleton managing the scene. More... | |
class | Script |
class | ScriptableObjectDisposable |
struct | Segment |
A 3D segment composed of a start and end point. More... | |
struct | SerializableGuid |
A serializable Global Unique Identifier. More... | |
struct | SerializableIPersistent |
class | SerializableIPersistentList |
class | SerializationUtility |
struct | SphericalBBox |
Spherical bounding box. More... | |
class | Stack |
class | Star |
A light source, and lens flare effect, emitting light in all directions. More... | |
class | StarSystem |
class | StarSystemAnimator |
class | StringExtension |
class | StringUtility |
Utility methods to help with the manipulation of strings. More... | |
class | SynchronizeResultData |
class | SynchronizeWebRequestDatasourceOperation |
class | TargetController |
class | TargetControllerAnimator |
class | TargetControllerBase |
class | TerrainEdgeMeshRendererVisual |
class | TerrainEdgeMeshRendererVisualBoxCollider |
class | TerrainEdgeMeshRendererVisualMeshCollider |
class | TerrainEdgeMeshRendererVisualNoCollider |
class | TerrainGridMeshObject |
class | TerrainGridMeshObjectVisualDirtyFlags |
class | TerrainSurfaceReflectionEffect |
class | TextMeshProWarp |
class | Texture |
Wrapper class for 'UnityEngine.Texture2D' introducing better integrated functionality. More... | |
class | TextureModifier |
class | TextureParameters |
class | TextureProcessorOutput |
class | TransformAnimator |
class | TransformBase |
Position, rotation and scale of an object. More... | |
class | TransformComponentParam |
class | TransformComponents2Double |
class | TransformComponents3 |
class | TransformDictionary |
class | TransformDouble |
64 bit double version of the Transform. More... | |
class | TransformExtension |
class | Tween |
class | TweenManager |
Singleton managing DepictionEngine.Tween's. More... | |
class | TypeExtensions |
class | UIBase |
class | UIBaseVisualDirtyFlags |
class | UILabel |
class | UIMeshRendererVisual |
class | UIMeshRendererVisualBoxCollider |
class | UIMeshRendererVisualNoCollider |
class | UIVisual |
struct | Vector2Double |
A 64 bit double version of the Vector2. More... | |
struct | Vector3Double |
A 64 bit double version of the Vector3. More... | |
class | Vector3DoubleExtension |
class | Vector3Extension |
struct | Vector4Double |
A 64 bit double version of the Vector4. More... | |
struct | VectorGeometry |
A geometry composed of polygons. More... | |
struct | VectorPolygon |
A polygon described by 3D vector points. More... | |
class | VisibleCameras |
class | Visual |
A GameObject meant to be used as a child of a DepictionEngine.VisualObject. More... | |
class | VisualObject |
An origin shifted container for MeshRenderers. More... | |
class | VisualObjectVisualDirtyFlags |
class | VolumeMaskBase |
Hide the geometry that lies inside its volume. More... | |
class | WebRequestDatasourceOperationBase |
class | WebRequestProcessorParameters |
class | XYZController |
Controls the XYZ components of the object transform. More... | |
Enumerations | |
enum | EasingType { Linear , ExpoEaseInOut , ExpoEaseOut , ExpoEaseIn , ExpoEaseOutIn , CircEaseOut , CircEaseIn , CircEaseInOut , CircEaseOutIn , QuadEaseOut , QuadEaseIn , QuadEaseInOut , QuadEaseOutIn , SineEaseOut , SineEaseIn , SineEaseInOut , SineEaseOutIn , CubicEaseOut , CubicEaseIn , CubicEaseInOut , CubicEaseOutIn , QuartEaseIn , QuartEaseOut , QuartEaseInOut , QuartEaseOutIn , QuintEaseIn , QuintEaseOut , QuintEaseInOut , QuintEaseOutIn , ElasticEaseIn , ElasticEaseOut , ElasticEaseInOut , ElasticEaseOutIn , BounceEaseIn , BounceEaseOut , BounceEaseInOut , BounceEaseOutIn , BackEaseIn , BackEaseOut , BackEaseInOut , BackEaseOutIn } |
enum | DisposeContext { Editor_Unknown , Programmatically_Destroy , Programmatically_Pool , Editor_Destroy , Editor_UndoRedo } |
The different types of dispose context. Editor_Unknown: The context can be either 'Editor' or 'Editor_UndoRedo'. Used internally. Programmatically_Destroy: The dispose was triggered programmatically and the object should be destroyed. Programmatically_Pool: The dispose was triggered programmatically and the object should be pooled. Editor_Destroy: The destroy was triggered in the editor. Editor_UndoRedo: The destroy was triggered in the editor as a result of an undo or redo action. More... | |
enum | InitializationContext { Unknown , Programmatically , Programmatically_Duplicate , Editor , Editor_Duplicate , Existing , Reset } |
The different types of initialization context. Unknown: The context is unknown. Programmatically: The initialization was triggered programmatically. Programmatically_Duplicate: The initialization was triggered programmatically and the object is a duplicate. Editor: The initialization was triggered in the editor. Editor_Duplicate: The initialization was triggered in the editor and the object is a duplicate. Duplication can come from a copy paste / duplicate menu item or dragging dropping of a component. Existing: The initialization was triggered by a loading scene or was triggered in the editor as a result of an undo or redo action. Reset: The object properties are reset to their default values. More... | |
The different types of dispose context.
The context can be either 'Editor' or 'Editor_UndoRedo'. Used internally.
The dispose was triggered programmatically and the object should be destroyed.
The dispose was triggered programmatically and the object should be pooled.
The destroy was triggered in the editor.
The destroy was triggered in the editor as a result of an undo or redo action.
The different types of initialization context.
The context is unknown.
The initialization was triggered programmatically.
The initialization was triggered programmatically and the object is a duplicate.
The initialization was triggered in the editor.
The initialization was triggered in the editor and the object is a duplicate. Duplication can come from a copy paste / duplicate menu item or dragging dropping of a component.
The initialization was triggered by a loading scene or was triggered in the editor as a result of an undo or redo action.
The object properties are reset to their default values.