override void | Initializing () |
| The first step of the initialization process.
override bool | Initialize (InitializationContext initializingContext) |
| The main initialization function.
override SerializableGuid | GetId (SerializableGuid id, InitializationContext initializingContext) |
override void | Initializing () |
| The first step of the initialization process.
override void | InitializeUID (InitializationContext initializingContext) |
| Initializes the object's unique identifiers.
virtual SerializableGuid | GetId (SerializableGuid id, InitializationContext initializingContext) |
override bool | Initialize (InitializationContext initializingContext) |
| The main initialization function.
virtual void | InitializeFields (InitializationContext initializingContext) |
virtual void | InitializeSerializedFields (InitializationContext initializingContext) |
| Initialize SerializedField's to their default values.
virtual bool | AddInstanceToManager () |
| Should this object be added to the DepictionEngine.InstanceManager.
override bool | AddToInstanceManager () |
| Add the object to the DepictionEngine.InstanceManager if possible.
virtual bool | SetValue< T > (string name, T value, ref T valueField, Action< T, T > assignedCallback=null, bool allowAutoDisposeOnOutOfSynchProperty=false) |
void | PropertyAssigned< T > (IProperty property, string name, T newValue, T oldValue) |
virtual bool | InitializeLastFields () |
virtual bool | OnDisposedLocked () |
bool | IsDuplicateInitializing () |
virtual void | DestroyAfterFailedInitialization () |
virtual void | Initializing () |
| The first step of the initialization process.
virtual void | InitializeUID (InitializationContext initializingContext) |
| Initializes the object's unique identifiers.
virtual bool | AddToInstanceManager () |
| Add the object to the DepictionEngine.InstanceManager if possible.
virtual bool | Initialize (InitializationContext initializingContext) |
| The main initialization function.
virtual bool | IsValidInitialization (InitializationContext initializingContext) |
| Provides the ability to interrupt the initialization.
bool | InitValue< T > (Action< T > callback, T defaultValue, InitializationContext initializingContext) |
bool | InitValue< T > (Action< T > callback, T defaultValue, T duplicateValue, InitializationContext initializingContext) |
virtual bool | UpdateAllDelegates () |
| Function to initialize event handlers.
virtual void | Saving (UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene scene, string path) |
bool | HasChanged (object newValue, object oldValue, bool forceChangeDuringInitializing=true) |
| Are the two objects equals?
bool | IsFallbackValues () |
bool | IsNotFallbackValues () |
bool | IsDestroying () |
| Is the object destroying?
virtual bool | UpdateHideFlags () |
virtual DisposeContext | GetDisposingContext () |
virtual void | OnEnable () |
virtual void | OnDisable () |
JSONNode | initializationJson [get] |
Type | type [get] |
| The Cass type.
Action< IProperty, string, object, object > | PropertyAssignedEvent [get, set] |
| Dispatched when a new value as been assigned to a field using the DepictionEngine.PropertyMonoBehaviour.SetValue method.
SerializableGuid | id [get] |
| Global unique identifier.
bool | locked [get, set] |
bool | wasFirstUpdated [get] |
bool | initialized [get] |
| Has the object been initialized.
bool | instanceAdded [get, set] |
bool | isFallbackValues [get] |
| Was this component created by a DepictionEngine.FallbackValues.
IScriptableBehaviour | originator [get] |
| Which DepictionEngine.IScriptableBehaviour triggered the current code execution if any at all.
DisposeContext | disposingContext [get] |
| The DepictionEngine.DisposeContext under which the object was destroyed.
bool | poolComplete [get, set] |
| Is the object done disposing.
Action< IDisposable > | InitializedEvent [get, set] |
| Dispatched after the object as been initialized.
Action< IDisposable, DisposeContext > | DisposedEvent [get, set] |
| Dispatched during the DepictionEngine.MonoBehaviourDisposable.OnDispose, DepictionEngine.ScriptableObjectDisposable.OnDispose or DepictionEngine.Disposable.OnDispose.
SceneManager | sceneManager [get] |
InstanceManager | instanceManager [get] |
DatasourceManager | datasourceManager [get] |
TweenManager | tweenManager [get] |
InputManager | inputManager [get] |
CameraManager | cameraManager [get] |
PoolManager | poolManager [get] |
RenderingManager | renderingManager [get] |
string | name [get, set] |
bool | isFallbackValues [get] |
| Was this component created by a DepictionEngine.FallbackValues.
IScriptableBehaviour | originator [get] |
| Which DepictionEngine.IScriptableBehaviour triggered the current code execution if any at all.
Action< IDisposable > | InitializedEvent [get, set] |
| Dispatched after the object as been initialized.
Action< IDisposable, DisposeContext > | DisposedEvent [get, set] |
| Dispatched during the DepictionEngine.MonoBehaviourDisposable.OnDispose, DepictionEngine.ScriptableObjectDisposable.OnDispose or DepictionEngine.Disposable.OnDispose.
bool | initialized [get] |
| Has the object been initialized.
bool | poolComplete [get, set] |
| Is the object done disposing.
DisposeContext | disposingContext [get] |
| The DepictionEngine.DisposeContext under which the object was destroyed.
bool | locked [get, set] |
SerializableGuid | id [get] |
| The DepictionEngine.SerializableGuid of the object.
Action< IProperty, string, object, object > | PropertyAssignedEvent [get, set] |
| Dispatched when a new value as been assigned to a field using the DepictionEngine.PropertyMonoBehaviour.SetValue method.