Depiction Engine For Unity 2023.0 (Alpha)
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DepictionEngine.Object Class Reference

Main component used to interface with the GameObject / Scripts and children. Only one per GameObject supported. Objects are usually not origin shifted, use DepictionEngine.VisualObject if you are looking for a container to use with MeshRenderers. More...

Public Member Functions

override void Recycle ()
 Resets the fields to their default value so the object can be reused again. It will be called by the DepictionEngine.PoolManager if the object is being recycled from the pool.
override bool UpdateRelations (Action beforeSiblingsInitializeCallback=null)
void GetRequiredComponentTypes (ref List< Type > types)
override void Initialized (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 Acts as a reliable constructor and will always by called unlike Awake which is sometimes skipped during Undo / Redo operations.
virtual bool RequiresPositioning ()
 Used to tell whether or not this object should be positioned in space according to its transform or kept to identity transform(origin) during origin shifting.
override bool DetectUserGameObjectChanges ()
 Detect changes that happen as a result of an external influence.
virtual void OnMouseMoveHit (RaycastHitDouble hit)
virtual void OnMouseUpHit (RaycastHitDouble hit)
virtual void OnMouseDownHit (RaycastHitDouble hit)
virtual void OnMouseEnterHit (RaycastHitDouble hit)
virtual void OnMouseExitHit (RaycastHitDouble hit)
virtual void OnMouseClickedHit (RaycastHitDouble hit)
virtual int GetAdditionalChildCount ()
virtual void UpdateAdditionalChildren ()
Object GetParentObject ()
 Use this is the Object may not be initialized at the moment and we cannot rely on transform.parentObject.
void IterateOverChildrenObject (Func< Object, bool > callback)
 Use this if the Object may not be initialized at the moment and we cannot rely on transform.IterateOverChildren().
void ApplyAutoAlignToSurface (LocalPositionParam localPositionParam, LocalRotationParam localRotationParam, GeoAstroObject parentGeoAstroObject, bool forceUpdate=false)
ReferenceBase GetFirstReferenceOfType (string dataType)
void SetParent (TransformBase parent, bool worldPositionStays=true)
void IterateOverEffects< T > (Func< T, bool > callback)
void IterateOverGenerators< T > (Func< T, bool > callback)
void IterateOverReferences< T > (Func< T, bool > callback)
CreateScript< T > (InitializationContext initializingContext=InitializationContext.Programmatically)
CreateScript< T > (JSONObject json, InitializationContext initializingContext=InitializationContext.Programmatically)
Script CreateScript (Type type, InitializationContext initializingContext=InitializationContext.Programmatically, bool isFallbackValues=false)
Script CreateScript (Type type, JSONObject json, InitializationContext initializingContext=InitializationContext.Programmatically, bool isFallbackValues=false)
object GetScriptProperty (IProperty property)
CreateChild< T > (string name=null, Transform parent=null, InitializationContext initializingContext=InitializationContext.Programmatically, List< PropertyModifier > propertyModifiers=null)
IScriptableBehaviour CreateChild (Type type, string name=null, Transform parent=null, InitializationContext initializingContext=InitializationContext.Programmatically, List< PropertyModifier > propertyModifiers=null)
void SetGridProperties (int loadScopeInstanceId, VisibleCameras visibleInCamerasInstanceId)
bool CameraIsMasked (Camera camera)
virtual bool IsPhysicsObject ()
virtual bool IsPhysicsDriven ()
void IterateOverReflectionProbes (Action< ReflectionProbe > callback)
void UpdateReflectionProbe (out int added, out int removed)
 Automatically add the UnityEngine.ReflectionProbe(s) so the DepictionEngine.Object can manage them. When managed a 'customBakedTexture' will be generated, assigned and updated automatically for the UnityEngine.ReflectionProbe if their type is set to UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeMode.Custom.
virtual bool AddReflectionProbe (ReflectionProbe reflectionProbe)
 Add the UnityEngine.ReflectionProbe so the DepictionEngine.Object can manage it. When managed a 'customBakedTexture' will be generated, assigned and updated automatically for the UnityEngine.ReflectionProbe if their type is set to UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeMode.Custom.
bool RemoveReflectionProbe (ReflectionProbe reflectionProbe)
 Remove the UnityEngine.ReflectionProbe from the managed list.
virtual bool IsReflectionObject ()
bool ReflectionRequiresRender (out Camera camera)
void UpdateEnvironmentReflection (RTTCamera rttCamera, Camera camera, ScriptableRenderContext? context=null)
override bool PreHierarchicalUpdate ()
 Called as a result of a hierarchical traversal of the scenegraph initiated at the same time as the UnityEngine Update. It is called before the DepictionEngine.PropertyMonoBehaviour.HierarchicalUpdate.
override bool PostHierarchicalUpdate ()
 Called as a result of a hierarchical traversal of the scenegraph initiated at the same time as the UnityEngine Update. It is called after the DepictionEngine.PropertyMonoBehaviour.HierarchicalUpdate.
void ClearForceUpdateTransformPending (bool clearLocalPosition=false, bool clearLocalRotation=false, bool clearLocalScale=false)
void ForceUpdateTransformPending (bool localPositionChanged=false, bool localRotationChanged=false, bool localScaleChanged=false)
void ForceUpdateTransformIfPending ()
bool ForceUpdateTransform (bool localPositionChanged=false, bool localRotationChanged=false, bool localScaleChanged=false, Camera camera=null)
override bool OnDispose (DisposeContext disposeContext)
 This is where you dispose any remaining dependencies.
- Public Member Functions inherited from DepictionEngine.PersistentMonoBehaviour
override void Recycle ()
 Resets the fields to their default value so the object can be reused again. It will be called by the DepictionEngine.PoolManager if the object is being recycled from the pool.
override bool DetectUserGameObjectChanges ()
 Detect changes that happen as a result of an external influence.
int Save ()
 Trigger the dispatch of a DepictionEngine.IPersistent.PersistenceSaveOperationEvent.
int Synchronize ()
 Trigger the dispatch of a DepictionEngine.IPersistent.PersistenceSynchronizeOperationEvent.
int Delete ()
 Trigger the dispatch of a DepictionEngine.IPersistent.PersistenceDeleteOperationEvent.
override bool OnDispose (DisposeContext disposeContext)
 This is where you dispose any remaining dependencies.
override void Initialized (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 Acts as a reliable constructor and will always by called unlike Awake which is sometimes skipped during Undo / Redo operations.
virtual bool DetectUserGameObjectChanges ()
 Detect changes that happen as a result of an external influence.
- Public Member Functions inherited from DepictionEngine.PropertyMonoBehaviour
override void Recycle ()
 Resets the fields to their default value so the object can be reused again. It will be called by the DepictionEngine.PoolManager if the object is being recycled from the pool.
override void Initialized (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 Acts as a reliable constructor and will always by called unlike Awake which is sometimes skipped during Undo / Redo operations.
virtual void UpdateDependencies ()
virtual bool UpdateRelations (Action beforeSiblingsInitializeCallback=null)
virtual void UpdateParent (PropertyMonoBehaviour originator=null)
 Finds and sets the parent.
bool PropertyDirty (string name)
void ResetId ()
 Resets the Id to DepictionEngine.SerializableGuid.Empty.
void UpdateActiveAndEnabled ()
virtual void HierarchicalApplyOriginShifting (Vector3Double origin, bool originShiftSelected)
virtual bool HierarchicalBeginCameraRendering (Camera camera)
 Called as a result of a hierarchical traversal of the scenegraph initiated at the same time as the RenderPipelineManager.beginCameraRendering.
virtual bool HierarchicalEndCameraRendering (Camera camera)
 Called as a result of a hierarchical traversal of the scenegraph initiated at the same time as the RenderPipelineManager.endCameraRendering.
virtual bool PreHierarchicalUpdate ()
 Called as a result of a hierarchical traversal of the scenegraph initiated at the same time as the UnityEngine Update. It is called before the DepictionEngine.PropertyMonoBehaviour.HierarchicalUpdate.
virtual void PreHierarchicalUpdateBeforeChildrenAndSiblings ()
virtual bool HierarchicalUpdate ()
 Called as a result of a hierarchical traversal of the scenegraph initiated at the same time as the UnityEngine Update. It is called after the DepictionEngine.PropertyMonoBehaviour.PreHierarchicalUpdate and before the DepictionEngine.PropertyMonoBehaviour.PostHierarchicalUpdate.
virtual bool PostHierarchicalUpdate ()
 Called as a result of a hierarchical traversal of the scenegraph initiated at the same time as the UnityEngine Update. It is called after the DepictionEngine.PropertyMonoBehaviour.HierarchicalUpdate.
virtual void IterateOverChildrenAndSiblings (Action< PropertyMonoBehaviour > callback=null)
override bool OnDispose (DisposeContext disposeContext)
 This is where you dispose any remaining dependencies.
- Public Member Functions inherited from DepictionEngine.MonoBehaviourDisposable
virtual void Recycle ()
 Resets the fields to their default value so the object can be reused again. It will be called by the DepictionEngine.PoolManager if the object is being recycled from the pool.
bool Initialize ()
 Needs to be called before the object can be used. Objects created through the DepictionEngine.InstanceManager should automatically Initialize the object.
virtual void Initialized (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 Acts as a reliable constructor and will always by called unlike Awake which is sometimes skipped during Undo / Redo operations.
AddComponent< T > (InitializationContext initializingContext=InitializationContext.Programmatically, JSONObject json=null, List< PropertyModifier > propertyModifiers=null, bool isFallbackValues=false)
AddComponent< T > (bool initialize, InitializationContext initializingContext=InitializationContext.Programmatically, JSONObject json=null, List< PropertyModifier > propertyModifiers=null, bool isFallbackValues=false)
Component AddComponent (Type componentType, InitializationContext initializingContext=InitializationContext.Programmatically, JSONObject json=null, List< PropertyModifier > propertyModifiers=null, bool isFallbackValues=false)
Component AddComponent (Type componentType, bool initialize, InitializationContext initializingContext=InitializationContext.Programmatically, JSONObject json=null, List< PropertyModifier > propertyModifiers=null, bool isFallbackValues=false)
InitializationContext GetInitializeContext ()
bool IsDisposing ()
 Is the object disposing?.
bool IsDisposed ()
 Has the object been disposed?
void Originator (Action callback, IScriptableBehaviour originator)
 Provides the code executed in this callback information about the DepictionEngine.IScriptableBehaviour that triggered it by keeping a reference available under DepictionEngine.IScriptableBehaviour.originator.
bool OnDisposing ()
bool UpdateDisposingContext (bool forceUpdate=false)
 This is where you clear or dispose any remaining references. It will be called automatically by DepictionEngine.DisposeManager immediately after DepictionEngine.IDisposable.OnDisposing unless the object was Destroyed as a result of an Editor action.
void OnDisposeInternal (DisposeContext disposeContext)
virtual bool OnDispose (DisposeContext disposeContext)
 This is where you dispose any remaining dependencies.
void OnDestroy ()
 This is where you destroy any remaining dependencies.
virtual void OnBeforeSerialize ()
virtual void OnAfterDeserialize ()
virtual void OnValidate ()
bool Equals (Disposable.Null value)
override bool Equals (object value)
override int GetHashCode ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from DepictionEngine.IScriptableBehaviour
InitializationContext GetInitializeContext ()
void Originator (Action callback, IScriptableBehaviour originator)
 Provides the code executed in this callback information about the DepictionEngine.IScriptableBehaviour that triggered it by keeping a reference available under DepictionEngine.IScriptableBehaviour.originator.
int GetInstanceID ()
void OnDestroy ()
 This is where you destroy any remaining dependencies.
void Initialized (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 Acts as a reliable constructor and will always by called unlike Awake which is sometimes skipped during Undo / Redo operations.
void Recycle ()
 Resets the fields to their default value so the object can be reused again. It will be called by the DepictionEngine.PoolManager if the object is being recycled from the pool.
bool Initialize ()
 Needs to be called before the object can be used. Objects created through the DepictionEngine.InstanceManager should automatically Initialize the object.
bool IsDisposing ()
 Is the object disposing?.
bool IsDisposed ()
 Has the object been disposed?
bool OnDisposing ()
bool OnDispose (DisposeContext disposeContext)
 This is where you dispose any remaining dependencies.
void OnDisposeInternal (DisposeContext disposeContext)
bool UpdateDisposingContext (bool forceUpdate=false)
 This is where you clear or dispose any remaining references. It will be called automatically by DepictionEngine.DisposeManager immediately after DepictionEngine.IDisposable.OnDisposing unless the object was Destroyed as a result of an Editor action.
bool Equals (Disposable.Null value)
void ResetId ()
 Resets the Id to DepictionEngine.SerializableGuid.Empty.
int Save ()
 Trigger the dispatch of a DepictionEngine.IPersistent.PersistenceSaveOperationEvent.
int Synchronize ()
 Trigger the dispatch of a DepictionEngine.IPersistent.PersistenceSynchronizeOperationEvent.
int Delete ()
 Trigger the dispatch of a DepictionEngine.IPersistent.PersistenceDeleteOperationEvent.
void GetRequiredComponentTypes (ref List< Type > types)

Public Attributes

Action< Object, PropertyMonoBehaviourChildAddedEvent
 Dispatched when a child such as DepictionEngine.TransformDouble or DepictionEngine.MeshRendererVisual(for DepictionEngine.VisualObject) is added.
Action< Object, PropertyMonoBehaviourChildRemovedEvent
 Dispatched when a child such as DepictionEngine.TransformDouble or DepictionEngine.MeshRendererVisual(for DepictionEngine.VisualObject) is removed.
Action< Object, string, object, object > ChildObjectPropertyAssignedEvent
 Dispatched when a property assign event is detected in the DepictionEngine.Object of one of the child DepictionEngine.TransformDouble.
Action< Object, ScriptScriptAddedEvent
 Dispatched when a DepictionEngine.Script is added.
Action< Object, ScriptScriptRemovedEvent
 Dispatched when a DepictionEngine.Script is removed.
Action< Object, IJson, string, object, object > ComponentPropertyAssignedEvent
 Dispatched when a property assign event is detected in any of the DepictionEngine.Script or DepictionEngine.TransformDouble.
Action< TransformBase.Component, TransformBase.ComponentTransformChangedEvent
 Dispatched after changes to the DepictionEngine.TransformDouble.localPosition, DepictionEngine.TransformDouble.localRotation or DepictionEngine.TransformDouble.localScale have been detected.
Action< TransformBase, string, object, object > TransformPropertyAssignedEvent
 Dispatched when a property assign event is detected in the DepictionEngine.TransformDouble.
Action< GeoAstroObject, string, object, object > ParentGeoAstroObjectPropertyAssignedEvent
 Dispatched when a property assign event is detected in the parent DepictionEngine.GeoAstroObject.
Action< LocalPositionParam, LocalRotationParam, LocalScaleParam, CameraTransformControllerCallback
 A callback triggered by changes in the DepictionEngine.TransformDouble allowing you to make changes to the new values before they are assigned.

Protected Member Functions

override void IterateOverComponentReference (Action< SerializableGuid, Action > callback)
override bool Initialize (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 The main initialization function.
override void DestroyAfterFailedInitialization ()
override bool InitializeLastFields ()
override void InitializeSerializedFields (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 Initialize SerializedField's to their default values.
CreateOptionalProperties< T > (InitializationContext initializingContext)
override bool AddToInstanceManager ()
 Add the object to the DepictionEngine.InstanceManager if possible.
override void CreateAndInitializeDependencies (InitializationContext initializingContext)
void UpdateRigidbody ()
Component RemoveComponentFromList (Type type, Component[] components)
override bool IsValidInitialization (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 Provides the ability to interrupt the initialization.
override bool LateInitialize (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 Every other objects are initialized at this point.
virtual double GetDefaultMass ()
virtual bool CanBeDuplicated ()
 Can the UnityEngine.Object be duplicated.
override bool UpdateAllDelegates ()
 Function to initialize event handlers.
virtual bool AddInputManagerDelegates ()
virtual void InputManagerOnMouseClickedHandler (RaycastHitDouble hit)
virtual void RemoveTransformDelegate (TransformBase transform)
virtual void AddTransformDelegate (TransformBase transform)
virtual bool TransformChanged (TransformBase.Component changedComponent, TransformBase.Component capturedComponent)
virtual void TransformPropertyAssignedHandler (IProperty property, string name, object newValue, object oldValue)
virtual void ScriptPropertyAssignedHandler (IProperty property, string name, object newValue, object oldValue)
bool RemoveLoadScopeDataReferenceDelegate (ReferenceBase reference)
bool AddLoadScopeDataReferenceDelegate (ReferenceBase reference)
virtual bool UpdateReferences (bool forceUpdate=false)
GetAssetFromAssetReference< T > (AssetReference assetReference)
virtual bool IterateOverAssetReferences (Func< AssetBase, AssetReference, bool, bool > callback)
virtual void ReferenceLoaderPropertyAssignedChangedHandler (ReferenceBase reference, IProperty serializable, string name, object newValue, object oldValue)
virtual void TransformChildAddedHandler (TransformBase transform, PropertyMonoBehaviour child)
virtual void TransformChildRemovedHandler (TransformBase transform, PropertyMonoBehaviour child)
virtual void TransformChildPropertyChangedHandler (TransformBase transform, string name, object newValue, object oldValue)
void ChildObjectPropertyAssignedHandler (IProperty property, string name, object newValue, object oldValue)
void TransformObjectCallbackHandler (LocalPositionParam localPositionParam, LocalRotationParam localRotationParam, LocalScaleParam localScaleParam, Camera camera=null)
virtual bool TransformObjectCallback (LocalPositionParam localPositionParam, LocalRotationParam localRotationParam, LocalScaleParam localScaleParam, Camera camera=null)
virtual bool RemoveParentGeoAstroObjectDelegate (GeoAstroObject parentGeoAstroObject)
virtual bool AddParentGeoAstroObjectDelegate (GeoAstroObject parentGeoAstroObject)
virtual void ParentGeoAstroObjectPropertyAssignedHandler (IProperty property, string name, object newValue, object oldValue)
virtual void ParentGeoAstroObjectChanged (GeoAstroObject newValue, GeoAstroObject oldValue)
override bool IsFullyInitialized ()
override Type GetParentType ()
override Type GetSiblingType ()
override bool SiblingsHasChanged ()
override bool GetDontSaveToScene ()
virtual bool GetDefaultIsHiddenInHierarchy ()
virtual bool CanGameObjectBeDeactivated ()
virtual bool SetController (ControllerBase value)
void InitializeReferenceDataType (string dataType, Type referenceType=null)
override bool SetParent (PropertyMonoBehaviour value)
virtual bool SetTargetController (TargetControllerBase value)
virtual bool SetTransform (TransformDouble value)
int GetScriptCount ()
void IterateOverComponents (Action< PropertyMonoBehaviour > callback)
override bool AddChild (PropertyMonoBehaviour child)
virtual bool AddScript (Script script)
virtual bool AddGenerator (GeneratorBase generator)
virtual bool AddReference (ReferenceBase reference)
virtual bool AddFallbackValues (FallbackValues fallbackValue)
override bool RemoveChild (PropertyMonoBehaviour child)
virtual bool RemoveScript (Script script)
virtual bool RemoveGenerator (GeneratorBase generator)
virtual bool RemoveReference (ReferenceBase reference)
bool RemoveFallbackValues (FallbackValues fallbackValue)
virtual void VisibleCamerasChanged ()
virtual void GetReflectionProbes (ref List< ReflectionProbe > managedReflectionProbes)
void RegisterWithRenderingManager ()
virtual void UpdateReflectionCustomBakedTexture (int textureSize)
virtual bool GetReflectionRenderCamera (out Camera camera)
virtual int GetReflectionTextureSize ()
virtual void RenderToReflectionCubemap (RTTCamera rttCamera, Camera camera)
override bool ApplyBeforeChildren (Action< PropertyMonoBehaviour > callback)
override bool UpdateHideFlags ()
void DisposeDataProcessor (Processor dataProcessor)
override void ActiveAndEnabledChanged (bool newValue, bool oldValue)
virtual bool DisposeAllChildren (DisposeContext disposeContext=DisposeContext.Programmatically_Pool)
 Dispose all children visuals.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from DepictionEngine.PersistentMonoBehaviour
override bool InitializeLastFields ()
override bool AddInstanceToManager ()
 Should this object be added to the DepictionEngine.InstanceManager.
override bool Initialize (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 The main initialization function.
override void InitializeSerializedFields (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 Initialize SerializedField's to their default values.
override void Saving (Scene scene, string path)
override bool UpdateHideFlags ()
virtual bool GetDefaultDontSaveToScene ()
virtual bool GetDontSaveToScene ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from DepictionEngine.JsonMonoBehaviour
override void Initializing ()
 The first step of the initialization process.
virtual JSONObject GetInitializationJson (JSONObject initializeJSON)
override bool InitializeLastFields ()
override void InitializeSerializedFields (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 Initialize SerializedField's to their default values.
override bool Initialize (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 The main initialization function.
override SerializableGuid GetId (SerializableGuid id, InitializationContext initializingContext)
virtual void EnabledChanged (bool newValue, bool oldValue)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from DepictionEngine.PropertyMonoBehaviour
virtual void IterateOverComponentReference (Action< SerializableGuid, Action > callback)
override void Initializing ()
 The first step of the initialization process.
override void InitializeUID (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 Initializes the object's unique identifiers.
virtual SerializableGuid GetId (SerializableGuid id, InitializationContext initializingContext)
override bool Initialize (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 The main initialization function.
virtual void InitializeFieldsBeforeChildren (InitializationContext initializingContext)
virtual void InitializeSerializedFieldsBeforeChildren (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 Initialize SerializedField's to their default values.
virtual void CreateAndInitializeDependencies (InitializationContext initializingContext)
virtual void InitializeFields (InitializationContext initializingContext)
virtual void InitializeSerializedFields (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 Initialize SerializedField's to their default values.
virtual bool InitializeLastFields ()
virtual bool AddInstanceToManager ()
 Should this object be added to the DepictionEngine.InstanceManager.
override bool AddToInstanceManager ()
 Add the object to the DepictionEngine.InstanceManager if possible.
override bool UpdateAllDelegates ()
 Function to initialize event handlers.
virtual void InstanceAddedHandler (IProperty property)
virtual void InstanceRemovedHandler (IProperty property)
virtual bool RemoveParentDelegates (PropertyMonoBehaviour parent)
virtual bool AddParentDelegates (PropertyMonoBehaviour parent)
virtual bool RemoveChildDelegates (PropertyMonoBehaviour child)
virtual bool AddChildDelegates (PropertyMonoBehaviour child)
virtual PropertyMonoBehaviour GetParent ()
void UpdateSiblings ()
virtual void UpdateChildren ()
InitializeComponent< T > (T component, JSONObject json=null, bool isFallbackValues=false)
virtual bool ParentHasChanged ()
virtual bool SiblingsHasChanged ()
virtual bool ChildrenHasChanged ()
List< T > GetComponentFromId< T > (List< SerializableGuid > ids)
GetComponentFromId< T > (SerializableGuid id)
List< SerializableGuidGetDuplicateComponentReferenceId< T > (List< SerializableGuid > ids, List< T > componentReferences, InitializationContext initializingContext)
SerializableGuid GetDuplicateComponentReferenceId< T > (SerializableGuid id, T componentReference, InitializationContext initializingContext)
virtual bool SetValue< T > (string name, T value, ref T valueField, Action< T, T > assignedCallback=null, bool allowAutoDisposeOnOutOfSynchProperty=false)
bool HasChanged< T > (T newValue, T oldValue, bool forceChangeDuringInitializing=true)
 Are the two objects equals?
void PropertyAssigned< T > (IProperty property, string name, T newValue, T oldValue)
virtual Type GetParentType ()
virtual Type GetSiblingType ()
virtual Type GetChildType ()
virtual bool CanBeDisabled ()
override void OnDisable ()
override void OnEnable ()
virtual void ActiveAndEnabledChanged (bool newValue, bool oldValue)
virtual PropertyMonoBehaviour GetRootParent ()
virtual PropertyMonoBehaviour ValidatedParent (PropertyMonoBehaviour value)
virtual bool SetParent (PropertyMonoBehaviour value)
virtual void ParentChanged (PropertyMonoBehaviour newValue, PropertyMonoBehaviour oldValue)
virtual bool AddChild (PropertyMonoBehaviour child)
virtual bool RemoveChild (PropertyMonoBehaviour child)
virtual bool ApplyBeforeChildren (Action< PropertyMonoBehaviour > callback)
virtual void IterateOverChildren (Action< PropertyMonoBehaviour > callback=null)
bool RemoveListItem< T > (List< T > list, T property)
void IterateThroughList< T > (IList< T > list, Action< T > callback)
virtual bool ApplyAfterChildren (Action< PropertyMonoBehaviour > callback)
bool TriggerCallback< T > (T child, Action< T > callback)
virtual void ClearDirtyFlags ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from DepictionEngine.MonoBehaviourDisposable
virtual void Awake ()
bool IsDuplicateInitializing ()
virtual void DestroyAfterFailedInitialization ()
virtual void Initializing ()
 The first step of the initialization process.
virtual void InitializeUID (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 Initializes the object's unique identifiers.
virtual bool AddToInstanceManager ()
 Add the object to the DepictionEngine.InstanceManager if possible.
virtual bool Initialize (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 The main initialization function.
virtual bool IsValidInitialization (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 Provides the ability to interrupt the initialization.
bool InitValue< T > (Action< T > callback, T defaultValue, InitializationContext initializingContext)
bool InitValue< T > (Action< T > callback, T defaultValue, Func< T > duplicateValue, InitializationContext initializingContext)
virtual bool IsFullyInitialized ()
virtual bool UpdateAllDelegates ()
 Function to initialize event handlers.
virtual void Saving (UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene scene, string path)
virtual void Saved (UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene scene)
virtual bool LateInitialize (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 Every other objects are initialized at this point.
virtual bool PostLateInitialize (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 Every other objects are initialized at this point.
bool IsFallbackValues ()
bool IsNotFallbackValues ()
bool IsDestroying ()
 Is the object destroying?
virtual bool UpdateHideFlags ()
virtual DisposeContext GetDisposingContext ()
virtual void OnEnable ()
virtual void OnDisable ()


GeoAstroObject parentGeoAstroObject [get]
ObjectAdditionalFallbackValues objectAdditionalFallbackValues [get, set]
bool gameObjectActiveSelf [get, set]
 ActivatesDeactivates the GameObject, depending on the given true or false/ value.
string tags [get, set]
 General purpose metadata associated with the object, used for searching or otherwise.
bool useGravity [get, set]
 When enabled, the GameObject will automatically reacts to DepictionEngine.AstroObject gravitational pull based on DepictionEngine.Object.mass and DepictionEngine.AstroObject.mass.
double mass [get, set]
 Used to determine the amount of gravitational force to apply when DepictionEngine.Object.useGravity is enabled.
int layer [get, set]
 The layer the GameObject is in.
new string tag [get, set]
 The tag of this GameObject.
bool isHiddenInHierarchy [get, set]
 When enabled, the UnityEngine.GameObject will not be displayed in the hierarchy.
bool createAnimatorIfMissing [get, set]
 When enabled, a new DepictionEngine.AnimatorBase will be created if none is present in the DepictionEngine.IPersistent returned from the datasource.
SerializableGuid animatorId [get, set]
 The Id of the animator.
bool createControllerIfMissing [get, set]
 When enabled, a new DepictionEngine.ControllerBase will be created if none is present in the DepictionEngine.IPersistent returned from the datasource.
SerializableGuid controllerId [get, set]
 The Id of the controller.
bool createGeneratorIfMissing [get, set]
 When enabled, a new DepictionEngine.GeneratorBase will be created if none is present in the DepictionEngine.IPersistent returned from the datasource.
List< SerializableGuidgeneratorsId [get, set]
 The Id of the generators.
bool createReferenceIfMissing [get, set]
 When enabled, a new DepictionEngine.ReferenceBase will be created if none is present in the DepictionEngine.IPersistent returned from the datasource.
List< SerializableGuidreferencesId [get, set]
 The Id of the references.
bool createEffectIfMissing [get, set]
 When enabled, a new DepictionEngine.EffectBase will be created if none is present in the DepictionEngine.IPersistent returned from the datasource.
List< SerializableGuideffectsId [get, set]
 The Id of the effects.
bool createFallbackValuesIfMissing [get, set]
 When enabled, a new DepictionEngine.FallbackValues will be created if none is present in the DepictionEngine.IPersistent returned from the datasource.
List< SerializableGuidfallbackValuesId [get, set]
 The Id of the fallbackValues.
bool createDatasourceIfMissing [get, set]
 When enabled, a new DepictionEngine.DatasourceBase will be created if none is present in the DepictionEngine.IPersistent returned from the datasource.
List< SerializableGuiddatasourcesId [get, set]
 The Id of the datasources.
AnimatorBase animator [get]
 The DepictionEngine.AnimatorBase used by this object.
ControllerBase controller [get]
 The DepictionEngine.ControllerBase used by this object.
List< GeneratorBasegenerators [get]
 A list of DepictionEngine.GeneratorBase used by this object.
List< ReferenceBasereferences [get]
 A list of DepictionEngine.ReferenceBase used by this object.
List< EffectBaseeffects [get]
 A list of DepictionEngine.EffectBase used by this object.
List< FallbackValuesfallbackValues [get]
 A list of DepictionEngine.FallbackValues used by this object.
List< DatasourceBasedatasources [get]
 A list of DepictionEngine.DatasourceBase used by this object.
TargetControllerBase targetController [get, set]
new TransformDouble transform [get, protected set]
int reflectionProbeCount [get]
List< ReflectionProbe > managedReflectionProbes [get, set]
RenderTexture reflectionCustomBakedTexture [get]
ComponentChangedPending forceUpdateTransformPending [get]
- Properties inherited from DepictionEngine.PersistentMonoBehaviour
Action< IPersistent, Action > PersistenceSaveOperationEvent [get, set]
 Dispatched as a signal to any DepictionEngine.DatasourceBase containing this DepictionEngine.IPersistent to let them know that they need to add it to their save operation queue.
Action< IPersistent, Action > PersistenceSynchronizeOperationEvent [get, set]
 Dispatched as a signal to any DepictionEngine.DatasourceBase containing this DepictionEngine.IPersistent to let them know that they need to add it to their synchronize operation queue.
Action< IPersistent, Action > PersistenceDeleteOperationEvent [get, set]
 Dispatched as a signal to any DepictionEngine.DatasourceBase containing this DepictionEngine.IPersistent to let them know that they need to add it to their delete operation queue.
new string name [get, set]
 The name of the object.
float autoSynchronizeInterval [get, set]
 The interval (in seconds) at which we call the DepictionEngine.IPersistent.Synchronize function. Automatically calling DepictionEngine.IPersistent.Synchronize can be useful to keep objects in synch with a datasource. Set to zero to deactivate.
bool autoDispose [get, set]
 When enabled, the object can be disposed automatically by its datasource if it is no longer required in any loader and does not have any out of synch properties.
bool dontSaveToScene [get, set]
 When enabled, the object will not be saved as part of the Scene.
bool createPersistentIfMissing [get, set]
 When enabled, a new DepictionEngine.IPersistent will be created if none is present in the datasource.
bool containsCopyrightedMaterial [get]
 Whether or not the object contains data that is copyrighted. If true the object may not be persisted in a Scene or DepictionEngine.Datasource.
- Properties inherited from DepictionEngine.JsonMonoBehaviour
JSONNode initializationJson [get]
new bool enabled [get, set]
 Enabled Behaviours are Updated, disable Behaviours are not.
- Properties inherited from DepictionEngine.PropertyMonoBehaviour
Type type [get]
 The Cass type.
List< PropertyMonoBehaviourchildren [get]
Action< IProperty, string, object, object > PropertyAssignedEvent [get, set]
 Dispatched when a new value as been assigned to a field using the DepictionEngine.PropertyMonoBehaviour.SetValue method.
SerializableGuid id [get]
 Global unique identifier.
bool activeAndEnabled [get]
 Returns true if gameObject.activeInHierarchy == true and enabled == true.
PropertyMonoBehaviour parent [get, set]
 The object above in the hierarchy.
virtual JSONNode parentJson [get, set]
- Properties inherited from DepictionEngine.MonoBehaviourDisposable
bool wasFirstUpdated [get]
bool initialized [get]
 Has the object been initialized.
bool instanceAdded [get, set]
bool isFallbackValues [get]
 Was this component created by a DepictionEngine.FallbackValues.
IScriptableBehaviour originator [get]
 Which DepictionEngine.IScriptableBehaviour triggered the current code execution if any at all.
DisposeContext disposingContext [get]
 The DepictionEngine.DisposeContext under which the object was destroyed.
bool poolComplete [get, set]
 Is the object done disposing.
Action< IDisposableInitializedEvent [get, set]
 Dispatched after the object as been initialized.
Action< IDisposable, DisposeContextDisposedEvent [get, set]
 Dispatched during the DepictionEngine.MonoBehaviourDisposable.OnDispose, DepictionEngine.ScriptableObjectDisposable.OnDispose or DepictionEngine.Disposable.OnDispose.
SceneManager sceneManager [get]
InstanceManager instanceManager [get]
DatasourceManager datasourceManager [get]
TweenManager tweenManager [get]
InputManager inputManager [get]
CameraManager cameraManager [get]
PoolManager poolManager [get]
RenderingManager renderingManager [get]
- Properties inherited from DepictionEngine.IScriptableBehaviour
string name [get, set]
bool isFallbackValues [get]
 Was this component created by a DepictionEngine.FallbackValues.
IScriptableBehaviour originator [get]
 Which DepictionEngine.IScriptableBehaviour triggered the current code execution if any at all.
- Properties inherited from DepictionEngine.IDisposable
Action< IDisposableInitializedEvent [get, set]
 Dispatched after the object as been initialized.
Action< IDisposable, DisposeContextDisposedEvent [get, set]
 Dispatched during the DepictionEngine.MonoBehaviourDisposable.OnDispose, DepictionEngine.ScriptableObjectDisposable.OnDispose or DepictionEngine.Disposable.OnDispose.
bool initialized [get]
 Has the object been initialized.
bool poolComplete [get, set]
 Is the object done disposing.
DisposeContext disposingContext [get]
 The DepictionEngine.DisposeContext under which the object was destroyed.
- Properties inherited from DepictionEngine.IProperty
SerializableGuid id [get]
 The DepictionEngine.SerializableGuid of the object.
Action< IProperty, string, object, object > PropertyAssignedEvent [get, set]
 Dispatched when a new value as been assigned to a field using the DepictionEngine.PropertyMonoBehaviour.SetValue method.
- Properties inherited from DepictionEngine.IPersistent
bool autoDispose [get]
bool dontSaveToScene [get, set]
bool containsCopyrightedMaterial [get]
bool createPersistentIfMissing [get]
Action< IPersistent, Action > PersistenceSaveOperationEvent [get, set]
 Dispatched as a signal to any DepictionEngine.DatasourceBase containing this DepictionEngine.IPersistent to let them know that they need to add it to their save operation queue.
Action< IPersistent, Action > PersistenceSynchronizeOperationEvent [get, set]
 Dispatched as a signal to any DepictionEngine.DatasourceBase containing this DepictionEngine.IPersistent to let them know that they need to add it to their synchronize operation queue.
Action< IPersistent, Action > PersistenceDeleteOperationEvent [get, set]
 Dispatched as a signal to any DepictionEngine.DatasourceBase containing this DepictionEngine.IPersistent to let them know that they need to add it to their delete operation queue.

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from DepictionEngine.PropertyMonoBehaviour
static int GetPropertyKey (string name)
 Returns a key for the property name.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from DepictionEngine.MonoBehaviourDisposable
static bool InitValueInternal< T > (Action< T > callback, T defaultValue, Func< T > duplicateValue, InitializationContext initializingContext)
static bool InitValueInternal< T > (Action< T > callback, T defaultValue, InitializationContext initializingContext)
static bool operator!= (MonoBehaviourDisposable lhs, Disposable.Null rhs)
static bool operator== (MonoBehaviourDisposable lhs, Disposable.Null _)
- Static Public Attributes inherited from DepictionEngine.PersistentMonoBehaviour
const string AUTO_SYNCHRONIZE_INTERVAL_TOOLTIP = "The interval (in seconds) at which we call the '"+nameof(Synchronize)+ "' function. Automatically calling '"+nameof(Synchronize)+"' can be useful to keep objects in synch with a datasource. Set to zero to deactivate."
const string AUTO_DISPOSE_TOOLTIP = "When enabled, the object can be disposed automatically by its datasource if it is no longer required in any loader and does not have any out of synch properties."
const string DONT_SAVE_TO_SCENE_TOOLTIP = "When enabled, the object will not be saved as part of the Scene."
- Protected Attributes inherited from DepictionEngine.PropertyMonoBehaviour
bool ignoreGameObjectActiveChange

Detailed Description

Main component used to interface with the GameObject / Scripts and children. Only one per GameObject supported. Objects are usually not origin shifted, use DepictionEngine.VisualObject if you are looking for a container to use with MeshRenderers.

Member Function Documentation

◆ ActiveAndEnabledChanged()

override void DepictionEngine.Object.ActiveAndEnabledChanged ( bool  newValue,
bool  oldValue 

◆ AddChild()

override bool DepictionEngine.Object.AddChild ( PropertyMonoBehaviour  child)

◆ AddReflectionProbe()

virtual bool DepictionEngine.Object.AddReflectionProbe ( ReflectionProbe  reflectionProbe)

Add the UnityEngine.ReflectionProbe so the DepictionEngine.Object can manage it. When managed a 'customBakedTexture' will be generated, assigned and updated automatically for the UnityEngine.ReflectionProbe if their type is set to UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeMode.Custom.


◆ AddToInstanceManager()

override bool DepictionEngine.Object.AddToInstanceManager ( )

Add the object to the DepictionEngine.InstanceManager if possible.

True if the instance was added successfully.

Reimplemented from DepictionEngine.PropertyMonoBehaviour.

◆ ApplyBeforeChildren()

override bool DepictionEngine.Object.ApplyBeforeChildren ( Action< PropertyMonoBehaviour callback)

◆ CanBeDuplicated()

virtual bool DepictionEngine.Object.CanBeDuplicated ( )

Can the UnityEngine.Object be duplicated.

True if the Object can be duplicated.

Reimplemented in DepictionEngine.AtmosphereGridMeshObject.

◆ CreateAndInitializeDependencies()

override void DepictionEngine.Object.CreateAndInitializeDependencies ( InitializationContext  initializingContext)

◆ CreateChild< T >()

T DepictionEngine.Object.CreateChild< T > ( string  name = null,
Transform  parent = null,
InitializationContext  initializingContext = InitializationContext::Programmatically,
List< PropertyModifier propertyModifiers = null 
Type Constraints
T :IScriptableBehaviour 

◆ CreateOptionalProperties< T >()

T DepictionEngine.Object.CreateOptionalProperties< T > ( InitializationContext  initializingContext)
Type Constraints
T :OptionalPropertiesBase 

◆ CreateScript< T >() [1/2]

T DepictionEngine.Object.CreateScript< T > ( InitializationContext  initializingContext = InitializationContext::Programmatically)
Type Constraints
T :Script 

◆ CreateScript< T >() [2/2]

T DepictionEngine.Object.CreateScript< T > ( JSONObject  json,
InitializationContext  initializingContext = InitializationContext::Programmatically 
Type Constraints
T :Script 

◆ DestroyAfterFailedInitialization()

override void DepictionEngine.Object.DestroyAfterFailedInitialization ( )

◆ DetectUserGameObjectChanges()

override bool DepictionEngine.Object.DetectUserGameObjectChanges ( )

Detect changes that happen as a result of an external influence.

Reimplemented from DepictionEngine.JsonMonoBehaviour.

◆ DisposeAllChildren()

virtual bool DepictionEngine.Object.DisposeAllChildren ( DisposeContext  disposeContext = DisposeContext::Programmatically_Pool)

Dispose all children visuals.


Reimplemented in DepictionEngine.AutoGenerateVisualObject, DepictionEngine.InstantiatorVisualObject, and DepictionEngine.VisualObject.

◆ GetAssetFromAssetReference< T >()

T DepictionEngine.Object.GetAssetFromAssetReference< T > ( AssetReference  assetReference)
Type Constraints
T :AssetBase 

◆ GetDontSaveToScene()

override bool DepictionEngine.Object.GetDontSaveToScene ( )

◆ GetParentObject()

Object DepictionEngine.Object.GetParentObject ( )

Use this is the Object may not be initialized at the moment and we cannot rely on transform.parentObject.

The parent Object or null if none exists.

◆ GetParentType()

override Type DepictionEngine.Object.GetParentType ( )

◆ GetRequiredComponentTypes()

void DepictionEngine.Object.GetRequiredComponentTypes ( ref List< Type >  types)

◆ GetSiblingType()

override Type DepictionEngine.Object.GetSiblingType ( )

◆ Initialize()

override bool DepictionEngine.Object.Initialize ( InitializationContext  initializingContext)

The main initialization function.

False if the initialization failed.

Reimplemented from DepictionEngine.JsonMonoBehaviour.

◆ Initialized()

override void DepictionEngine.Object.Initialized ( InitializationContext  initializingContext)

Acts as a reliable constructor and will always by called unlike Awake which is sometimes skipped during Undo / Redo operations.


Reimplemented from DepictionEngine.JsonMonoBehaviour.

Reimplemented in DepictionEngine.AutoGenerateVisualObject, DepictionEngine.MeshObjectBase, DepictionEngine.AtmosphereGridMeshObject, and DepictionEngine.Grid2DMeshObjectBase.

◆ InitializeLastFields()

override bool DepictionEngine.Object.InitializeLastFields ( )

Reimplemented from DepictionEngine.JsonMonoBehaviour.

◆ InitializeSerializedFields()

◆ IsFullyInitialized()

override bool DepictionEngine.Object.IsFullyInitialized ( )

◆ IsValidInitialization()

override bool DepictionEngine.Object.IsValidInitialization ( InitializationContext  initializingContext)

Provides the ability to interrupt the initialization.

False to interrupt the initialization.

Reimplemented from DepictionEngine.MonoBehaviourDisposable.

◆ IterateOverChildrenObject()

void DepictionEngine.Object.IterateOverChildrenObject ( Func< Object, bool >  callback)

Use this if the Object may not be initialized at the moment and we cannot rely on transform.IterateOverChildren().


◆ IterateOverComponentReference()

override void DepictionEngine.Object.IterateOverComponentReference ( Action< SerializableGuid, Action >  callback)

◆ IterateOverEffects< T >()

void DepictionEngine.Object.IterateOverEffects< T > ( Func< T, bool >  callback)
Type Constraints
T :EffectBase 

◆ IterateOverGenerators< T >()

void DepictionEngine.Object.IterateOverGenerators< T > ( Func< T, bool >  callback)
Type Constraints
T :GeneratorBase 

◆ IterateOverReferences< T >()

void DepictionEngine.Object.IterateOverReferences< T > ( Func< T, bool >  callback)
Type Constraints
T :ReferenceBase 

◆ LateInitialize()

override bool DepictionEngine.Object.LateInitialize ( InitializationContext  initializingContext)

Every other objects are initialized at this point.


Reimplemented from DepictionEngine.MonoBehaviourDisposable.

◆ OnDispose()

override bool DepictionEngine.Object.OnDispose ( DisposeContext  disposeContext)

This is where you dispose any remaining dependencies.

disposeContextThe context under which the object is being destroyed.
False if the object was already disposed otherwise True.

Reimplemented from DepictionEngine.PropertyMonoBehaviour.

Reimplemented in DepictionEngine.AutoGenerateVisualObject, DepictionEngine.MeshObjectBase, DepictionEngine.Grid2DMeshObjectBase, DepictionEngine.FeatureGridMeshObjectBase, DepictionEngine.MeshGridMeshObject, DepictionEngine.TerrainGridMeshObject, DepictionEngine.LevelMeshObject, and DepictionEngine.Marker.

◆ PostHierarchicalUpdate()

override bool DepictionEngine.Object.PostHierarchicalUpdate ( )

Called as a result of a hierarchical traversal of the scenegraph initiated at the same time as the UnityEngine Update. It is called after the DepictionEngine.PropertyMonoBehaviour.HierarchicalUpdate.

Reimplemented from DepictionEngine.PropertyMonoBehaviour.

◆ PreHierarchicalUpdate()

override bool DepictionEngine.Object.PreHierarchicalUpdate ( )

Called as a result of a hierarchical traversal of the scenegraph initiated at the same time as the UnityEngine Update. It is called before the DepictionEngine.PropertyMonoBehaviour.HierarchicalUpdate.

Reimplemented from DepictionEngine.PropertyMonoBehaviour.

Reimplemented in DepictionEngine.Star.

◆ Recycle()

override void DepictionEngine.Object.Recycle ( )

◆ RemoveChild()

override bool DepictionEngine.Object.RemoveChild ( PropertyMonoBehaviour  child)

◆ RemoveReflectionProbe()

bool DepictionEngine.Object.RemoveReflectionProbe ( ReflectionProbe  reflectionProbe)

Remove the UnityEngine.ReflectionProbe from the managed list.

True if successfully removed.

◆ RequiresPositioning()

virtual bool DepictionEngine.Object.RequiresPositioning ( )

Used to tell whether or not this object should be positioned in space according to its transform or kept to identity transform(origin) during origin shifting.

If true the object will be positioned in space otherwise it will remain static at identity transform(origin).

Reimplemented in DepictionEngine.Camera, DepictionEngine.Star, DepictionEngine.VisualObject, and DepictionEngine.VolumeMaskBase.

◆ SetParent()

override bool DepictionEngine.Object.SetParent ( PropertyMonoBehaviour  value)

◆ SiblingsHasChanged()

override bool DepictionEngine.Object.SiblingsHasChanged ( )

◆ UpdateAllDelegates()

◆ UpdateHideFlags()

override bool DepictionEngine.Object.UpdateHideFlags ( )

◆ UpdateReflectionProbe()

void DepictionEngine.Object.UpdateReflectionProbe ( out int  added,
out int  removed 

Automatically add the UnityEngine.ReflectionProbe(s) so the DepictionEngine.Object can manage them. When managed a 'customBakedTexture' will be generated, assigned and updated automatically for the UnityEngine.ReflectionProbe if their type is set to UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeMode.Custom.

addedThe number of added UnityEngine.ReflectionProbe(s)
removedThe number of removed UnityEngine.ReflectionProbe(s)

◆ UpdateRelations()

override bool DepictionEngine.Object.UpdateRelations ( Action  beforeSiblingsInitializeCallback = null)

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