Depiction Engine For Unity 2023.0 (Alpha)
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DepictionEngine.IJson Interface Reference

Supports reading or writing properties in Json format. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from DepictionEngine.IProperty
void ResetId ()
 Resets the Id to DepictionEngine.SerializableGuid.Empty.
- Public Member Functions inherited from DepictionEngine.IScriptableBehaviour
InitializationContext GetInitializeContext ()
void Originator (Action callback, IScriptableBehaviour originator)
 Provides the code executed in this callback information about the DepictionEngine.IScriptableBehaviour that triggered it by keeping a reference available under DepictionEngine.IScriptableBehaviour.originator.
int GetInstanceID ()
void OnDestroy ()
 This is where you destroy any remaining dependencies.
- Public Member Functions inherited from DepictionEngine.IDisposable
void Initialized (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 Acts as a reliable constructor and will always by called unlike Awake which is sometimes skipped during Undo / Redo operations.
void Recycle ()
 Resets the fields to their default value so the object can be reused again. It will be called by the DepictionEngine.PoolManager if the object is being recycled from the pool.
bool Initialize ()
 Needs to be called before the object can be used. Objects created through the DepictionEngine.InstanceManager should automatically Initialize the object.
bool IsDisposing ()
 Is the object disposing?.
bool IsDisposed ()
 Has the object been disposed?
bool OnDisposing ()
bool OnDispose (DisposeContext disposeContext)
 This is where you dispose any remaining dependencies.
void OnDisposeInternal (DisposeContext disposeContext)
bool UpdateDisposingContext (bool forceUpdate=false)
 This is where you clear or dispose any remaining references. It will be called automatically by DepictionEngine.DisposeManager immediately after DepictionEngine.IDisposable.OnDisposing unless the object was Destroyed as a result of an Editor action.
bool Equals (Disposable.Null value)
- Properties inherited from DepictionEngine.IProperty
SerializableGuid id [get]
 The DepictionEngine.SerializableGuid of the object.
Action< IProperty, string, object, object > PropertyAssignedEvent [get, set]
 Dispatched when a new value as been assigned to a field using the DepictionEngine.PropertyMonoBehaviour.SetValue method.
- Properties inherited from DepictionEngine.IScriptableBehaviour
string name [get, set]
bool isFallbackValues [get]
 Was this component created by a DepictionEngine.FallbackValues.
IScriptableBehaviour originator [get]
 Which DepictionEngine.IScriptableBehaviour triggered the current code execution if any at all.
- Properties inherited from DepictionEngine.IDisposable
Action< IDisposableInitializedEvent [get, set]
 Dispatched after the object as been initialized.
Action< IDisposable, DisposeContextDisposedEvent [get, set]
 Dispatched during the DepictionEngine.MonoBehaviourDisposable.OnDispose, DepictionEngine.ScriptableObjectDisposable.OnDispose or DepictionEngine.Disposable.OnDispose.
bool initialized [get]
 Has the object been initialized.
bool poolComplete [get, set]
 Is the object done disposing.
DisposeContext disposingContext [get]
 The DepictionEngine.DisposeContext under which the object was destroyed.

Detailed Description

Supports reading or writing properties in Json format.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: