Depiction Engine For Unity 2023.0 (Alpha)
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DepictionEngine.CameraGrid2DLoader Class Reference

Loader used to display Camera centric data. More...

Public Types

enum  CameraCenterOnType { Target , Camera }
 The different parts of a camera that the DepictionEngine.CameraGrid2DLoader can center itself on.

Center on the camera target.

Center on the camera.
- Public Types inherited from DepictionEngine.LoaderBase
enum  DataType {
  Unknown , Json , TexturePngJpg , TextureWebP ,
  ElevationTerrainRGBPngRaw , ElevationTerrainRGBWebP , ElevationEsriLimitedErrorRasterCompression
 Different types of data.

The Data type is Unknown.

JSON format.

A .png or .jpg texture.

A .webp texture.

A .pngraw texture containing elevation in TerrainRGB format.

A .webp texture containing elevation in TerrainRGB format.

Elevation data in Esri LimitedErrorRasterCompression (LERC) format.

Public Member Functions

override void Initialized (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 Acts as a reliable constructor and will always by called unlike Awake which is sometimes skipped during Undo / Redo operations.
void UpdateLoadScopeCameras (Index2DLoadScope indexLoadScope, IEnumerable< IGrid2D > grids=null)
- Public Member Functions inherited from DepictionEngine.Grid2DLoaderBase
override bool IsInList (LoadScope loadScope)
- Public Member Functions inherited from DepictionEngine.Index2DLoaderBase
override void Recycle ()
 Resets the fields to their default value so the object can be reused again. It will be called by the DepictionEngine.PoolManager if the object is being recycled from the pool.
override bool GetLoadScope (out LoadScope loadScope, IPersistent persistent)
 Returns true if a loadScope is found for the specified DepictionEngine.IPersistent.
override bool GetLoadScope (out LoadScope loadScope, object loadScopeKey, bool reload=false, bool createIfMissing=false, float loadInterval=0.0f)
 Returns true if a loadScope exists or a new one was created.
override bool IsInList (LoadScope loadScope)
override bool IterateOverLoadScopes (Func< object, LoadScope, bool > callback)
- Public Member Functions inherited from DepictionEngine.LoaderBase
override void Recycle ()
 Resets the fields to their default value so the object can be reused again. It will be called by the DepictionEngine.PoolManager if the object is being recycled from the pool.
List< LoadScopeLoadAll ()
 Create missing DepictionEngine.LoadScope(s) and dispose those that are no longer required.
List< LoadScopeReloadAll ()
 Internal method, to reload data use the DepictionEngine.DatasourceBase.ReloadAll instead.
virtual bool GetLoadScope (out LoadScope loadScope, IPersistent persistent)
 Returns true if a loadScope is found for the specified DepictionEngine.IPersistent.
virtual bool GetLoadScope (out LoadScope loadScope, object loadScopeKey, bool reload=false, bool createIfMissing=false, float loadInterval=0.0f)
 Returns true if a loadScope exists or a new one was created.
virtual bool IterateOverLoadScopes (Func< object, LoadScope, bool > callback)
virtual bool AddReference (object loadScopeKey, ReferenceBase reference)
virtual bool RemoveReference (object loadScopeKey, ReferenceBase reference, DisposeContext disposeContext=DisposeContext.Programmatically_Pool)
override bool PreHierarchicalUpdate ()
 Called as a result of a hierarchical traversal of the scenegraph initiated at the same time as the UnityEngine Update. It is called before the DepictionEngine.PropertyMonoBehaviour.HierarchicalUpdate.
override bool PostHierarchicalUpdate ()
 Called as a result of a hierarchical traversal of the scenegraph initiated at the same time as the UnityEngine Update. It is called after the DepictionEngine.PropertyMonoBehaviour.HierarchicalUpdate.
void Load (LoadScope loadScope, float loadInterval=0.0f)
void IterateOverPersistents (Func< SerializableGuid, IPersistent, bool > callback)
bool IsPersistentInScope (IPersistent persistent)
bool ContainsPersistent (IPersistent persistent)
int GetPersistentCount ()
bool AddPersistent (IPersistent persistent)
bool RemovePersistent (IPersistent persistent, DisposeContext disposeContext=DisposeContext.Programmatically_Pool)
bool RemovePersistent (SerializableGuid persistentId, DisposeContext disposeContext=DisposeContext.Programmatically_Pool)
virtual bool IsInList (LoadScope loadScope)
void DisposeAllLoadScopes (DisposeContext disposeContext=DisposeContext.Programmatically_Pool)
 Dispose all the DepictionEngine.LoadScope(s).
override bool OnDispose (DisposeContext disposeContext)
 This is where you dispose any remaining dependencies.
- Public Member Functions inherited from DepictionEngine.GeneratorBase
void IterateOverFallbackValues< T > (Func< FallbackValues, bool > callback)
void IterateOverFallbackValues< T, T1 > (Func< FallbackValues, bool > callback)
void IterateOverFallbackValues (Func< FallbackValues, bool > callback, Type type, Type type1=null)
bool GeneratePersistent (out IPersistent persistent, Type type, JSONObject json, List< PropertyModifier > propertyModifiers=null)
- Public Member Functions inherited from DepictionEngine.Script
float GetSphericalRatio ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from DepictionEngine.JsonMonoBehaviour
override void Initialized (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 Acts as a reliable constructor and will always by called unlike Awake which is sometimes skipped during Undo / Redo operations.
virtual bool DetectUserGameObjectChanges ()
 Detect changes that happen as a result of an external influence.
- Public Member Functions inherited from DepictionEngine.PropertyMonoBehaviour
override void Recycle ()
 Resets the fields to their default value so the object can be reused again. It will be called by the DepictionEngine.PoolManager if the object is being recycled from the pool.
override void Initialized (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 Acts as a reliable constructor and will always by called unlike Awake which is sometimes skipped during Undo / Redo operations.
virtual void UpdateDependencies ()
virtual bool UpdateRelations (Action beforeSiblingsInitializeCallback=null)
virtual void UpdateParent (PropertyMonoBehaviour originator=null)
 Finds and sets the parent.
bool PropertyDirty (string name)
void ResetId ()
 Resets the Id to DepictionEngine.SerializableGuid.Empty.
void UpdateActiveAndEnabled ()
virtual void HierarchicalApplyOriginShifting (Vector3Double origin, bool originShiftSelected)
virtual bool HierarchicalBeginCameraRendering (Camera camera)
 Called as a result of a hierarchical traversal of the scenegraph initiated at the same time as the RenderPipelineManager.beginCameraRendering.
virtual bool HierarchicalEndCameraRendering (Camera camera)
 Called as a result of a hierarchical traversal of the scenegraph initiated at the same time as the RenderPipelineManager.endCameraRendering.
virtual bool PreHierarchicalUpdate ()
 Called as a result of a hierarchical traversal of the scenegraph initiated at the same time as the UnityEngine Update. It is called before the DepictionEngine.PropertyMonoBehaviour.HierarchicalUpdate.
virtual void PreHierarchicalUpdateBeforeChildrenAndSiblings ()
virtual bool HierarchicalUpdate ()
 Called as a result of a hierarchical traversal of the scenegraph initiated at the same time as the UnityEngine Update. It is called after the DepictionEngine.PropertyMonoBehaviour.PreHierarchicalUpdate and before the DepictionEngine.PropertyMonoBehaviour.PostHierarchicalUpdate.
virtual bool PostHierarchicalUpdate ()
 Called as a result of a hierarchical traversal of the scenegraph initiated at the same time as the UnityEngine Update. It is called after the DepictionEngine.PropertyMonoBehaviour.HierarchicalUpdate.
virtual void IterateOverChildrenAndSiblings (Action< PropertyMonoBehaviour > callback=null)
override bool OnDispose (DisposeContext disposeContext)
 This is where you dispose any remaining dependencies.
- Public Member Functions inherited from DepictionEngine.MonoBehaviourDisposable
virtual void Recycle ()
 Resets the fields to their default value so the object can be reused again. It will be called by the DepictionEngine.PoolManager if the object is being recycled from the pool.
bool Initialize ()
 Needs to be called before the object can be used. Objects created through the DepictionEngine.InstanceManager should automatically Initialize the object.
virtual void Initialized (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 Acts as a reliable constructor and will always by called unlike Awake which is sometimes skipped during Undo / Redo operations.
AddComponent< T > (InitializationContext initializingContext=InitializationContext.Programmatically, JSONObject json=null, List< PropertyModifier > propertyModifiers=null, bool isFallbackValues=false)
AddComponent< T > (bool initialize, InitializationContext initializingContext=InitializationContext.Programmatically, JSONObject json=null, List< PropertyModifier > propertyModifiers=null, bool isFallbackValues=false)
Component AddComponent (Type componentType, InitializationContext initializingContext=InitializationContext.Programmatically, JSONObject json=null, List< PropertyModifier > propertyModifiers=null, bool isFallbackValues=false)
Component AddComponent (Type componentType, bool initialize, InitializationContext initializingContext=InitializationContext.Programmatically, JSONObject json=null, List< PropertyModifier > propertyModifiers=null, bool isFallbackValues=false)
InitializationContext GetInitializeContext ()
bool IsDisposing ()
 Is the object disposing?.
bool IsDisposed ()
 Has the object been disposed?
void Originator (Action callback, IScriptableBehaviour originator)
 Provides the code executed in this callback information about the DepictionEngine.IScriptableBehaviour that triggered it by keeping a reference available under DepictionEngine.IScriptableBehaviour.originator.
bool OnDisposing ()
bool UpdateDisposingContext (bool forceUpdate=false)
 This is where you clear or dispose any remaining references. It will be called automatically by DepictionEngine.DisposeManager immediately after DepictionEngine.IDisposable.OnDisposing unless the object was Destroyed as a result of an Editor action.
void OnDisposeInternal (DisposeContext disposeContext)
virtual bool OnDispose (DisposeContext disposeContext)
 This is where you dispose any remaining dependencies.
void OnDestroy ()
 This is where you destroy any remaining dependencies.
virtual void OnBeforeSerialize ()
virtual void OnAfterDeserialize ()
virtual void OnValidate ()
bool Equals (Disposable.Null value)
override bool Equals (object value)
override int GetHashCode ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from DepictionEngine.IScriptableBehaviour
InitializationContext GetInitializeContext ()
void Originator (Action callback, IScriptableBehaviour originator)
 Provides the code executed in this callback information about the DepictionEngine.IScriptableBehaviour that triggered it by keeping a reference available under DepictionEngine.IScriptableBehaviour.originator.
int GetInstanceID ()
void OnDestroy ()
 This is where you destroy any remaining dependencies.
void Initialized (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 Acts as a reliable constructor and will always by called unlike Awake which is sometimes skipped during Undo / Redo operations.
void Recycle ()
 Resets the fields to their default value so the object can be reused again. It will be called by the DepictionEngine.PoolManager if the object is being recycled from the pool.
bool Initialize ()
 Needs to be called before the object can be used. Objects created through the DepictionEngine.InstanceManager should automatically Initialize the object.
bool IsDisposing ()
 Is the object disposing?.
bool IsDisposed ()
 Has the object been disposed?
bool OnDisposing ()
bool OnDispose (DisposeContext disposeContext)
 This is where you dispose any remaining dependencies.
void OnDisposeInternal (DisposeContext disposeContext)
bool UpdateDisposingContext (bool forceUpdate=false)
 This is where you clear or dispose any remaining references. It will be called automatically by DepictionEngine.DisposeManager immediately after DepictionEngine.IDisposable.OnDisposing unless the object was Destroyed as a result of an Editor action.
bool Equals (Disposable.Null value)
void ResetId ()
 Resets the Id to DepictionEngine.SerializableGuid.Empty.
void IterateOverPersistents (Func< SerializableGuid, IPersistent, bool > callback)
bool AddPersistent (IPersistent persistent)
bool RemovePersistent (IPersistent persistent, DisposeContext disposeContext=DisposeContext.Programmatically_Pool)
bool RemovePersistent (SerializableGuid persistentId, DisposeContext disposeContext=DisposeContext.Programmatically_Pool)

Static Public Member Functions

static T CreateCameraGrid< T > (Camera camera)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from DepictionEngine.Grid2DLoaderBase
static T CreateGrid< T > ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from DepictionEngine.LoaderBase
static List<(bool, SerializableGuid, IPersistent)> PerformAddRemovePersistentsChange (IPersistentList persistentList, PersistentsDictionary persistentsDictionary, PersistentsDictionary lastPersistentsDictionary)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from DepictionEngine.GeneratorBase
static int GetTotalLoadingCount ()
The total number of loadScopes currently loading in the scene.

static int GetTotalLoadedCount ()
The total number of loadScopes currently loaded in the scene.

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from DepictionEngine.PropertyMonoBehaviour
static int GetPropertyKey (string name)
 Returns a key for the property name.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from DepictionEngine.MonoBehaviourDisposable
static bool InitValueInternal< T > (Action< T > callback, T defaultValue, Func< T > duplicateValue, InitializationContext initializingContext)
static bool InitValueInternal< T > (Action< T > callback, T defaultValue, InitializationContext initializingContext)
static bool operator!= (MonoBehaviourDisposable lhs, Disposable.Null rhs)
static bool operator== (MonoBehaviourDisposable lhs, Disposable.Null _)

Protected Member Functions

override void InitializeFields (InitializationContext initializingContext)
override void InitializeSerializedFields (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 Initialize SerializedField's to their default values.
override bool UpdateAllDelegates ()
 Function to initialize event handlers.
override void InstanceAddedHandler (IProperty property)
override void InstanceRemovedHandler (IProperty property)
override bool SetParentGeoAstroObject (GeoAstroObject newValue, GeoAstroObject oldValue)
override IEnumerable< IGrid2DGetGrids ()
override void UpdateLoadTriggers ()
override void UpdateLoaderFields (bool forceUpdate)
override Index2DLoadScope CreateIndex2DLoadScope (Vector2Int index, Vector2Int dimensions)
override void UpdateLoadScopeFields ()
override bool UpdateGridsFields (IGrid2D grid, bool forceUpdate=false)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from DepictionEngine.Grid2DLoaderBase
override void InitializeFields (InitializationContext initializingContext)
virtual void InitGrids ()
override void InitializeSerializedFields (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 Initialize SerializedField's to their default values.
override float GetDefaultWaitBetweenLoad ()
virtual float GetDefaultLoadInterval ()
virtual IEnumerable< IGrid2DGetGrids ()
override void UpdateLoaderFields (bool forceUpdate)
virtual bool UpdateGridsFields (IGrid2D grid, bool forceUpdate=false)
virtual int GetZoomForGrid (Grid2D grid)
override void IterateOverLoadScopeList (Action< Vector2Int, Vector2Int, Vector2Int > callback)
override float GetLoadInterval (Vector2Int grid2DIndex, Vector2Int grid2DDimensions, Vector2Int centerIndex)
GeoCoordinate2Double GetGeoCoordinateCenter ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from DepictionEngine.Index2DLoaderBase
override void InitializeSerializedFields (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 Initialize SerializedField's to their default values.
override bool InitializeLastFields ()
virtual Vector2Int GetDefaultMinMaxZoom ()
override int GetLoadScopeCount ()
virtual void MinMaxZoomChanged ()
Vector2Int GetGrid2DDimensionsFromZoom (int zoom)
override bool AddLoadScopeInternal (LoadScope loadScope)
override bool RemoveLoadScopeInternal (object loadScopeKey, out LoadScope loadScope)
override List< LoadScopeGetListedLoadScopes (bool reload)
virtual float GetLoadInterval (Vector2Int index, Vector2Int dimensions, Vector2Int centerIndex)
virtual void IterateOverLoadScopeList (Action< Vector2Int, Vector2Int, Vector2Int > callback)
virtual Index2DLoadScope CreateIndex2DLoadScope (Vector2Int index, Vector2Int dimensions)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from DepictionEngine.LoaderBase
override void IterateOverComponentReference (Action< SerializableGuid, Action > callback)
override void InitializeFields (InitializationContext initializingContext)
override void InitializeSerializedFields (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 Initialize SerializedField's to their default values.
List<(bool, object, LoadScope)> PerformAddRemoveLoadScopesChange< T, T1 > (IDictionary< T, T1 > loadScopesDictionary, IDictionary< T, T1 > lastLoadScopesDictionary, bool performingUndoRedo=false)
List<(bool, object, ReferenceBase)> PerformAddRemoveReferencesChange< T > (IDictionary< T, ReferencesList > referencesDictionary, IDictionary< T, ReferencesList > lastReferencesDictionary)
override bool InitializeLastFields ()
virtual void ClearLoadScopes ()
override bool LateInitialize (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 Every other objects are initialized at this point.
override bool UpdateAllDelegates ()
 Function to initialize event handlers.
override bool AddInstanceToManager ()
 Should this object be added to the DepictionEngine.InstanceManager.
virtual bool GetDefaultAutoLoadWhenDisabled ()
virtual float GetDefaultWaitBetweenLoad ()
virtual float GetDefaultLoadDelay ()
virtual bool GetDefaultAutoDisposeUnused ()
virtual int GetLoadScopeCount ()
virtual void IterateOverLoadScopeKeys (Action< int, object, ReferencesList > callback)
override void ObjectPropertyAssignedHandler (IProperty property, string name, object newValue, object oldValue)
override void EnabledChanged (bool newValue, bool oldValue)
void QueueAutoUpdate ()
 Queue a call to DepictionEngine.LoaderBase.UpdateLoadScopes if and when possible.
bool CanAutoLoad ()
virtual void UpdateLoadTriggers ()
virtual List< LoadScopeUpdateLoadScopes (bool forceUpdate, bool reload=false)
virtual void UpdateLoaderFields (bool forceUpdate)
virtual List< LoadScopeGetListedLoadScopes (bool reload)
virtual void UpdateLoadScopeFields ()
void RemoveAllPersistents (DisposeContext disposeContext=DisposeContext.Programmatically_Pool)
LoadScope CreateLoadScope (Type type, string name)
bool AddLoadScope (LoadScope loadScope)
virtual bool AddLoadScopeInternal (LoadScope loadScope)
bool RemoveLoadScope (object loadScopeKey, DisposeContext disposeContext=DisposeContext.Programmatically_Pool)
virtual bool RemoveLoadScopeInternal (object loadScopeKey, out LoadScope loadScope)
void DisposeLoadScope (LoadScope loadScope, DisposeContext disposeContext=DisposeContext.Programmatically_Pool)
 Dispose the DepictionEngine.LoadScope.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from DepictionEngine.GeneratorBase
override void IterateOverComponentReference (Action< SerializableGuid, Action > callback)
override void InitializeSerializedFields (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 Initialize SerializedField's to their default values.
virtual List< SerializableGuidGetDefaultFallbackValuesId ()
bool GeneratePersistent (Type type, JSONObject json, List< PropertyModifier > propertyModifiers=null)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from DepictionEngine.Script
override bool UpdateAllDelegates ()
 Function to initialize event handlers.
void UpdateParentGeoAstroObjectDelegates ()
virtual bool RemoveObjectBaseDelegate (Object objectBase)
virtual bool AddObjectBaseDelegate (Object objectBase)
virtual void ObjectPropertyAssignedHandler (IProperty property, string name, object newValue, object oldValue)
virtual bool RemoveParentGeoAstroObjectDelegates (GeoAstroObject parentGeoAstroObject)
virtual bool AddParentGeoAstroObjectDelegates (GeoAstroObject parentGeoAstroObject)
virtual void ParentGeoAstroObjectPropertyAssignedHandler (IProperty property, string name, object newValue, object oldValue)
virtual bool TransformPropertyAssigned (IProperty property, string name, object newValue, object oldValue)
virtual void TransformParentChanged ()
void TransformChangedHandler (TransformBase.Component changedComponent, TransformBase.Component capturedComponent)
virtual bool TransformChanged (TransformBase.Component changedComponent, TransformBase.Component capturedComponent)
override bool IsFullyInitialized ()
bool IsSpherical ()
bool IsFlat ()
override Type GetParentType ()
override bool SetParent (PropertyMonoBehaviour value)
virtual bool SetObjectBase (Object value)
virtual bool SetParentGeoAstroObject (GeoAstroObject newValue, GeoAstroObject oldValue)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from DepictionEngine.JsonMonoBehaviour
override void Initializing ()
 The first step of the initialization process.
virtual JSONObject GetInitializationJson (JSONObject initializeJSON)
override bool InitializeLastFields ()
override void InitializeSerializedFields (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 Initialize SerializedField's to their default values.
override bool Initialize (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 The main initialization function.
override SerializableGuid GetId (SerializableGuid id, InitializationContext initializingContext)
virtual void EnabledChanged (bool newValue, bool oldValue)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from DepictionEngine.PropertyMonoBehaviour
virtual void IterateOverComponentReference (Action< SerializableGuid, Action > callback)
override void Initializing ()
 The first step of the initialization process.
override void InitializeUID (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 Initializes the object's unique identifiers.
virtual SerializableGuid GetId (SerializableGuid id, InitializationContext initializingContext)
override bool Initialize (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 The main initialization function.
virtual void InitializeFieldsBeforeChildren (InitializationContext initializingContext)
virtual void InitializeSerializedFieldsBeforeChildren (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 Initialize SerializedField's to their default values.
virtual void CreateAndInitializeDependencies (InitializationContext initializingContext)
virtual void InitializeFields (InitializationContext initializingContext)
virtual void InitializeSerializedFields (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 Initialize SerializedField's to their default values.
virtual bool InitializeLastFields ()
virtual bool AddInstanceToManager ()
 Should this object be added to the DepictionEngine.InstanceManager.
override bool AddToInstanceManager ()
 Add the object to the DepictionEngine.InstanceManager if possible.
override bool UpdateAllDelegates ()
 Function to initialize event handlers.
virtual void InstanceAddedHandler (IProperty property)
virtual void InstanceRemovedHandler (IProperty property)
virtual bool RemoveParentDelegates (PropertyMonoBehaviour parent)
virtual bool AddParentDelegates (PropertyMonoBehaviour parent)
virtual bool RemoveChildDelegates (PropertyMonoBehaviour child)
virtual bool AddChildDelegates (PropertyMonoBehaviour child)
virtual PropertyMonoBehaviour GetParent ()
void UpdateSiblings ()
virtual void UpdateChildren ()
InitializeComponent< T > (T component, JSONObject json=null, bool isFallbackValues=false)
virtual bool ParentHasChanged ()
virtual bool SiblingsHasChanged ()
virtual bool ChildrenHasChanged ()
List< T > GetComponentFromId< T > (List< SerializableGuid > ids)
GetComponentFromId< T > (SerializableGuid id)
List< SerializableGuidGetDuplicateComponentReferenceId< T > (List< SerializableGuid > ids, List< T > componentReferences, InitializationContext initializingContext)
SerializableGuid GetDuplicateComponentReferenceId< T > (SerializableGuid id, T componentReference, InitializationContext initializingContext)
virtual bool SetValue< T > (string name, T value, ref T valueField, Action< T, T > assignedCallback=null, bool allowAutoDisposeOnOutOfSynchProperty=false)
bool HasChanged< T > (T newValue, T oldValue, bool forceChangeDuringInitializing=true)
 Are the two objects equals?
void PropertyAssigned< T > (IProperty property, string name, T newValue, T oldValue)
virtual Type GetParentType ()
virtual Type GetSiblingType ()
virtual Type GetChildType ()
virtual bool CanBeDisabled ()
override void OnDisable ()
override void OnEnable ()
virtual void ActiveAndEnabledChanged (bool newValue, bool oldValue)
virtual PropertyMonoBehaviour GetRootParent ()
virtual PropertyMonoBehaviour ValidatedParent (PropertyMonoBehaviour value)
virtual bool SetParent (PropertyMonoBehaviour value)
virtual void ParentChanged (PropertyMonoBehaviour newValue, PropertyMonoBehaviour oldValue)
virtual bool AddChild (PropertyMonoBehaviour child)
virtual bool RemoveChild (PropertyMonoBehaviour child)
virtual bool ApplyBeforeChildren (Action< PropertyMonoBehaviour > callback)
virtual void IterateOverChildren (Action< PropertyMonoBehaviour > callback=null)
bool RemoveListItem< T > (List< T > list, T property)
void IterateThroughList< T > (IList< T > list, Action< T > callback)
virtual bool ApplyAfterChildren (Action< PropertyMonoBehaviour > callback)
bool TriggerCallback< T > (T child, Action< T > callback)
virtual void ClearDirtyFlags ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from DepictionEngine.MonoBehaviourDisposable
virtual void Awake ()
bool IsDuplicateInitializing ()
virtual void DestroyAfterFailedInitialization ()
virtual void Initializing ()
 The first step of the initialization process.
virtual void InitializeUID (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 Initializes the object's unique identifiers.
virtual bool AddToInstanceManager ()
 Add the object to the DepictionEngine.InstanceManager if possible.
virtual bool Initialize (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 The main initialization function.
virtual bool IsValidInitialization (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 Provides the ability to interrupt the initialization.
bool InitValue< T > (Action< T > callback, T defaultValue, InitializationContext initializingContext)
bool InitValue< T > (Action< T > callback, T defaultValue, Func< T > duplicateValue, InitializationContext initializingContext)
virtual bool IsFullyInitialized ()
virtual bool UpdateAllDelegates ()
 Function to initialize event handlers.
virtual void Saving (UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene scene, string path)
virtual void Saved (UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene scene)
virtual bool LateInitialize (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 Every other objects are initialized at this point.
virtual bool PostLateInitialize (InitializationContext initializingContext)
 Every other objects are initialized at this point.
bool IsFallbackValues ()
bool IsNotFallbackValues ()
bool IsDestroying ()
 Is the object destroying?
virtual bool UpdateHideFlags ()
virtual DisposeContext GetDisposingContext ()
virtual void OnEnable ()
virtual void OnDisable ()


uint minZoom [get, set]
 The minimum zoom level to display even at long distances. This value should be within the bounds of the 'minMaxZoom' property.
Vector2Int cascades [get, set]
 Dictates the number of grids and their respective zoom values.
Vector2Int collidersRange [get, set]
 MeshObject whose scope zoom value falls outside of this range will have their DepictionEngine.MeshObjectBase.useCollider value set to false.
CameraCenterOnType centerOn [get, set]
 The center (Camera or target) from which the grid size will be calculated and tiles will be first loaded.
float sizeMultiplier [get, set]
 A factor by which the grid size will be multiplied.
bool sizeLatitudeCompensation [get, set]
 When enabled the grid size will be automatically adjusted based on latitude to preserve a constant tile / pixel density. Only works in spherical mode.
float sizeOffsettingMultiplier [get, set]
 A factor by which the grid size will be multiplied with camera delta movement to alter grid size. This helps dynamically lower the number of tiles loaded when the camera is moving fast to help with performance. Set to zero to deactivate.
float sizeOffsettingMaximum [get, set]
 The max number the size offsetting multiplier can reach. Higher values will be clamped.
float sizeOffsettingDuration [get, set]
 The amount of time required for the grid size to return to normal once fast camera movement is no longer detected.
List< CameraGrid2DcameraGrids [get]
- Properties inherited from DepictionEngine.Grid2DLoaderBase
float loadDelay [get, set]
 A value (in seconds) by which we will multiply the offset between the center index and the DepictionEngine.LoadScope index to cause objects farther away from the center to be loaded later then objects nearby. Set to zero to deactivate and load everything at the same time.
int zoom [get, set]
 The grid zoom value. Ignored by DepictionEngine.CameraGrid2DLoader or DepictionEngine.FillGrid2DLoader.
- Properties inherited from DepictionEngine.Index2DLoaderBase
IndexLoadScopeDictionary index2DLoadScopes [get]
Vector2Int minMaxZoom [get, set]
 A min and max clamping values for zoom.
Index2DLoadScope.URLParametersType indexUrlParamType [get, set]
 Which type of values to send as URL parameters to the DepictionEngine.RestDatasource to receive the proper tile.
float xyTilesRatio [get, set]
 The horizontal to vertical tiles ratio. A ratio of 2.0 means the grid contains twice as many tiles horizontally then vertically. A ratio of 0.5 means the grid contains twice as many tiles vertically then horizontally. The max value is 10.0 and min value is 0.1.
- Properties inherited from DepictionEngine.LoaderBase
PersistentsDictionary persistentsDictionary [get]
int loadingCount [get]
 Returns the number of DepictionEngine.LoadScope(s) currently loading.
int loadedCount [get]
 Returns the number of DepictionEngine.LoadScope(s) currently loaded.
PropertyMonoBehaviour datasource [get, set]
SerializableGuid datasourceId [get, set]
 The id of the datasource from which we will be loading data.
string loadEndpoint [get, set]
 The endpoint that will be used by the DepictionEngine.RestDatasource when loading.
DataType dataType [get, set]
 The type of data we expect the loading operation to return.
int depth [get, set]
int timeout [get, set]
 The amount of time (in seconds) to wait for a 'DepictionEngine.RestDatasource loading operation' before canceling, if it applies.
List< string > headers [get, set]
 Values to send as web request headers during a 'DepictionEngine.RestDatasource loading operation', if it applies.
bool autoUpdateWhenDisabled [get, set]
 When enabled the loader will automatically update loadScopes even if the Script or GameObject is not activated.
float autoUpdateInterval [get, set]
 The interval (in seconds) at which we evaluate whether an auto update request should be made.
float autoUpdateDelay [get, set]
 The amount of time (in seconds) to wait before we update following an auto update request.
bool autoDisposeUnused [get, set]
 When enabled the DepictionEngine.LoadScope's will be automatically disposed when their last reference is removed.
- Properties inherited from DepictionEngine.GeneratorBase
List< SerializableGuidfallbackValuesId [get, set]
 An ids list of the fallbackValues scripts containing default values to use on newly created objects.
int seed [get, set]
 Use a random number other then -1 to create objects procedurally. Only works when no datasource is specified.
- Properties inherited from DepictionEngine.Script
Object objectBase [get, protected set]
GeoAstroObject parentGeoAstroObject [get, protected set]
new TransformDouble transform [get]
- Properties inherited from DepictionEngine.JsonMonoBehaviour
JSONNode initializationJson [get]
new bool enabled [get, set]
 Enabled Behaviours are Updated, disable Behaviours are not.
- Properties inherited from DepictionEngine.PropertyMonoBehaviour
Type type [get]
 The Cass type.
List< PropertyMonoBehaviourchildren [get]
Action< IProperty, string, object, object > PropertyAssignedEvent [get, set]
 Dispatched when a new value as been assigned to a field using the DepictionEngine.PropertyMonoBehaviour.SetValue method.
SerializableGuid id [get]
 Global unique identifier.
bool activeAndEnabled [get]
 Returns true if gameObject.activeInHierarchy == true and enabled == true.
PropertyMonoBehaviour parent [get, set]
 The object above in the hierarchy.
virtual JSONNode parentJson [get, set]
- Properties inherited from DepictionEngine.MonoBehaviourDisposable
bool wasFirstUpdated [get]
bool initialized [get]
 Has the object been initialized.
bool instanceAdded [get, set]
bool isFallbackValues [get]
 Was this component created by a DepictionEngine.FallbackValues.
IScriptableBehaviour originator [get]
 Which DepictionEngine.IScriptableBehaviour triggered the current code execution if any at all.
DisposeContext disposingContext [get]
 The DepictionEngine.DisposeContext under which the object was destroyed.
bool poolComplete [get, set]
 Is the object done disposing.
Action< IDisposableInitializedEvent [get, set]
 Dispatched after the object as been initialized.
Action< IDisposable, DisposeContextDisposedEvent [get, set]
 Dispatched during the DepictionEngine.MonoBehaviourDisposable.OnDispose, DepictionEngine.ScriptableObjectDisposable.OnDispose or DepictionEngine.Disposable.OnDispose.
SceneManager sceneManager [get]
InstanceManager instanceManager [get]
DatasourceManager datasourceManager [get]
TweenManager tweenManager [get]
InputManager inputManager [get]
CameraManager cameraManager [get]
PoolManager poolManager [get]
RenderingManager renderingManager [get]
- Properties inherited from DepictionEngine.IScriptableBehaviour
string name [get, set]
bool isFallbackValues [get]
 Was this component created by a DepictionEngine.FallbackValues.
IScriptableBehaviour originator [get]
 Which DepictionEngine.IScriptableBehaviour triggered the current code execution if any at all.
- Properties inherited from DepictionEngine.IDisposable
Action< IDisposableInitializedEvent [get, set]
 Dispatched after the object as been initialized.
Action< IDisposable, DisposeContextDisposedEvent [get, set]
 Dispatched during the DepictionEngine.MonoBehaviourDisposable.OnDispose, DepictionEngine.ScriptableObjectDisposable.OnDispose or DepictionEngine.Disposable.OnDispose.
bool initialized [get]
 Has the object been initialized.
bool poolComplete [get, set]
 Is the object done disposing.
DisposeContext disposingContext [get]
 The DepictionEngine.DisposeContext under which the object was destroyed.
- Properties inherited from DepictionEngine.IProperty
SerializableGuid id [get]
 The DepictionEngine.SerializableGuid of the object.
Action< IProperty, string, object, object > PropertyAssignedEvent [get, set]
 Dispatched when a new value as been assigned to a field using the DepictionEngine.PropertyMonoBehaviour.SetValue method.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from DepictionEngine.LoaderBase
Action< LoadScope, DisposeContextLoadScopeDisposedEvent
 Dispatched after a DepictionEngine.LoadScope is Disposed.
Action< LoadScopeLoadScopeLoadingStateChangedEvent
 Dispatched when a DepictionEngine.LoadScope LoadingState changes.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from DepictionEngine.Index2DLoaderBase
const int MAX_ZOOM = 30
- Protected Attributes inherited from DepictionEngine.Grid2DLoaderBase
float _loadDelay
int _zoom
- Protected Attributes inherited from DepictionEngine.PropertyMonoBehaviour
bool ignoreGameObjectActiveChange

Detailed Description

Loader used to display Camera centric data.

Member Function Documentation

◆ CreateCameraGrid< T >()

static T DepictionEngine.CameraGrid2DLoader.CreateCameraGrid< T > ( Camera  camera)
Type Constraints
T :CameraGrid2D 

◆ CreateIndex2DLoadScope()

override Index2DLoadScope DepictionEngine.CameraGrid2DLoader.CreateIndex2DLoadScope ( Vector2Int  index,
Vector2Int  dimensions 

Reimplemented from DepictionEngine.Index2DLoaderBase.

◆ GetGrids()

override IEnumerable< IGrid2D > DepictionEngine.CameraGrid2DLoader.GetGrids ( )

Reimplemented from DepictionEngine.Grid2DLoaderBase.

◆ Initialized()

override void DepictionEngine.CameraGrid2DLoader.Initialized ( InitializationContext  initializingContext)

Acts as a reliable constructor and will always by called unlike Awake which is sometimes skipped during Undo / Redo operations.


Reimplemented from DepictionEngine.JsonMonoBehaviour.

◆ InitializeFields()

override void DepictionEngine.CameraGrid2DLoader.InitializeFields ( InitializationContext  initializingContext)

◆ InitializeSerializedFields()

override void DepictionEngine.CameraGrid2DLoader.InitializeSerializedFields ( InitializationContext  initializingContext)

Initialize SerializedField's to their default values.


Reimplemented from DepictionEngine.GeneratorBase.

◆ InstanceAddedHandler()

override void DepictionEngine.CameraGrid2DLoader.InstanceAddedHandler ( IProperty  property)

◆ InstanceRemovedHandler()

override void DepictionEngine.CameraGrid2DLoader.InstanceRemovedHandler ( IProperty  property)

◆ SetParentGeoAstroObject()

override bool DepictionEngine.CameraGrid2DLoader.SetParentGeoAstroObject ( GeoAstroObject  newValue,
GeoAstroObject  oldValue 

Reimplemented from DepictionEngine.Script.

◆ UpdateAllDelegates()

override bool DepictionEngine.CameraGrid2DLoader.UpdateAllDelegates ( )

Function to initialize event handlers.


Reimplemented from DepictionEngine.PropertyMonoBehaviour.

◆ UpdateGridsFields()

override bool DepictionEngine.CameraGrid2DLoader.UpdateGridsFields ( IGrid2D  grid,
bool  forceUpdate = false 

Reimplemented from DepictionEngine.Grid2DLoaderBase.

◆ UpdateLoaderFields()

override void DepictionEngine.CameraGrid2DLoader.UpdateLoaderFields ( bool  forceUpdate)

Reimplemented from DepictionEngine.LoaderBase.

◆ UpdateLoadScopeFields()

override void DepictionEngine.CameraGrid2DLoader.UpdateLoadScopeFields ( )

Reimplemented from DepictionEngine.LoaderBase.

◆ UpdateLoadTriggers()

override void DepictionEngine.CameraGrid2DLoader.UpdateLoadTriggers ( )

Reimplemented from DepictionEngine.LoaderBase.

Property Documentation

◆ cascades

Vector2Int DepictionEngine.CameraGrid2DLoader.cascades

Dictates the number of grids and their respective zoom values.

For example, a cascade range of 2-6 means that 5 grids will be created with the first one having its zoom value offsetted by 2 then 3,4,5 and 6 for the fifth one.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: